Computer Algebra in Quantum Field Theory Integration, Summation and Special Functions / [electronic resource] :
edited by Carsten Schneider, Johannes Bl�umlein.
- XIV, 411 p. 41 illus. online resource.
- Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, A Series of the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, 0943-853X .
- Texts & Monographs in Symbolic Computation, A Series of the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, .
Harmonic sums, polylogarithms, special numbers, and their generalizations -- Multiple Zeta values and modular forms in quantum field theory -- Computer-assisted proofs of some identities for Bessel functions of fractional order -- Conformal methods for massless Feynman integrals and large Nf methods -- The holonomic toolkit -- Orthogonal polynomials -- Creative telescoping for holonomic functions -- Renormalization and Mellin transforms -- Relativistic Coulomb integrals and Zeilberger's holonomic systems approach -- Hypergeometric functions in Mathematica -- Solving linear recurrence equations with polynomial coefficients -- Generalization of Risch's algorithms to special functions -- Multiple hypergeometric series -- Appell series and beyond -- Simplifying multiple sums in difference fields -- Potential of FORM 4.0 -- Feynman graphs.
The book focuses on advanced computer algebra methods and special functions that have striking applications in the context of quantum field theory. It presents the state of the art and new methods for (infinite) multiple sums, multiple integrals, in particular Feynman integrals, difference and differential equations in the format of survey articles. The presented techniques emerge from interdisciplinary fields: mathematics, computer science and theoretical physics; the articles are written by mathematicians and physicists with the goal that both groups can learn from the other field, including most recent developments. Besides that, the collection of articles also serves as an up-to-date handbook of available algorithms/software that are commonly used or might be useful in the fields of mathematics, physics or other sciences.
10.1007/978-3-7091-1616-6 doi
Computer science--Mathematics.
Special functions.
Mathematical physics.
Quantum field theory.
String theory.
Elementary particles (Physics).
Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory.
Mathematical Physics.
Quantum Field Theories, String Theory.
Special Functions.
Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation.
QC793-793.5 QC174.45-174.52
Harmonic sums, polylogarithms, special numbers, and their generalizations -- Multiple Zeta values and modular forms in quantum field theory -- Computer-assisted proofs of some identities for Bessel functions of fractional order -- Conformal methods for massless Feynman integrals and large Nf methods -- The holonomic toolkit -- Orthogonal polynomials -- Creative telescoping for holonomic functions -- Renormalization and Mellin transforms -- Relativistic Coulomb integrals and Zeilberger's holonomic systems approach -- Hypergeometric functions in Mathematica -- Solving linear recurrence equations with polynomial coefficients -- Generalization of Risch's algorithms to special functions -- Multiple hypergeometric series -- Appell series and beyond -- Simplifying multiple sums in difference fields -- Potential of FORM 4.0 -- Feynman graphs.
The book focuses on advanced computer algebra methods and special functions that have striking applications in the context of quantum field theory. It presents the state of the art and new methods for (infinite) multiple sums, multiple integrals, in particular Feynman integrals, difference and differential equations in the format of survey articles. The presented techniques emerge from interdisciplinary fields: mathematics, computer science and theoretical physics; the articles are written by mathematicians and physicists with the goal that both groups can learn from the other field, including most recent developments. Besides that, the collection of articles also serves as an up-to-date handbook of available algorithms/software that are commonly used or might be useful in the fields of mathematics, physics or other sciences.
10.1007/978-3-7091-1616-6 doi
Computer science--Mathematics.
Special functions.
Mathematical physics.
Quantum field theory.
String theory.
Elementary particles (Physics).
Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory.
Mathematical Physics.
Quantum Field Theories, String Theory.
Special Functions.
Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation.
QC793-793.5 QC174.45-174.52