Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface 13th European PVM/MPI User's Group Meeting, Bonn, Germany, September 17-20, 2006, Proceedings / [electronic resource] :
edited by Bernd Mohr, Jesper Larsson Träff, Joachim Worringen, Jack Dongarra.
- 1st ed. 2006.
- XVI, 416 p. online resource.
- Programming and Software Engineering, 4192 2945-9168 ; .
- Programming and Software Engineering, 4192 .
Invited Talks -- Too Big for MPI? -- Approaches for Parallel Applications Fault Tolerance -- Where Does MPI Need to Grow? -- Peta-Scale Supercomputer Project in Japan and Challenges to Life and Human Simulation in Japan -- Resource and Application Adaptivity in Message Passing Systems -- Performance Advantages of Partitioned Global Address Space Languages -- Tutorials -- Using MPI-2: A Problem-Based Approach -- Performance Tools for Parallel Programming -- High-Performance Parallel I/O -- Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Parallel Programming -- Outstanding Papers -- Issues in Developing a Thread-Safe MPI Implementation -- Scalable Parallel Suffix Array Construction -- Formal Verification of Programs That Use MPI One-Sided Communication -- Collective Communication -- MPI Collective Algorithm Selection and Quadtree Encoding -- Parallel Prefix (Scan) Algorithms for MPI -- Efficient Allgather for Regular SMP-Clusters -- Efficient Shared Memory and RDMA Based Design for MPI_Allgather over InfiniBand -- Communication Protocols -- High Performance RDMA Protocols in HPC -- Implementation and Shared-Memory Evaluation of MPICH2 over the Nemesis Communication Subsystem -- MPI/CTP: A Reconfigurable MPI for HPC Applications -- Debugging and Verification -- Correctness Checking of MPI One-Sided Communication Using Marmot -- An Interface to Support the Identification of Dynamic MPI 2 Processes for Scalable Parallel Debugging -- Modeling and Verification of MPI Based Distributed Software -- Fault Tolerance -- FT-MPI, Fault-Tolerant Metacomputing and Generic Name Services: A Case Study -- Scalable Fault Tolerant Protocol for Parallel Runtime Environments -- An Intelligent Management of Fault Tolerance in Cluster Using RADICMPI -- Extended mpiJava for Distributed Checkpointing and Recovery -- Metacomputing and Grid -- Running PVM Applications on Multidomain Clusters -- Reliable Orchestration of Distributed MPI-Applications in a UNICORE-Based Grid with MetaMPICH and MetaScheduling -- The New Multidevice Architecture of MetaMPICH in the Context of Other Approaches to Grid-Enabled MPI -- Using an Enterprise Grid for Execution of MPI Parallel Applications - A Case Study -- Parallel I/O -- Self-adaptive Hints for Collective I/O -- Exploiting Shared Memory to Improve Parallel I/O Performance -- High-Bandwidth Remote Parallel I/O with the Distributed Memory Filesystem MEMFS -- Effective Seamless Remote MPI-I/O Operations with Derived Data Types Using PVFS2 -- Implementation Issues -- Automatic Memory Optimizations for Improving MPI Derived Datatype Performance -- Improving the Dynamic Creation of Processes in MPI-2 -- Object-Oriented Message Passing -- Non-blocking Java Communications Support on Clusters -- Modernizing the C++ Interface to MPI -- Limitations and Extensions -- Can MPI Be Used for Persistent Parallel Services? -- Observations on MPI-2 Support for Hybrid Master/Slave Applications in Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments -- What MPI Could (and Cannot) Do for Mesh-Partitioning on Non-homogeneous Networks -- Performance -- Scalable Parallel Trace-Based Performance Analysis -- TAUg: Runtime Global Performance Data Access Using MPI -- Tracing the MPI-IO Calls' Disk Accesses -- Measuring MPI Send and Receive Overhead and Application Availability in High Performance Network Interfaces -- Challenges and Issues in Benchmarking MPI -- Implementation and Usage of the PERUSE-Interface in Open MPI -- ParSim -- 5th International Special Session on Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments -- MPJ Express Meets Gadget: Towards a Java Code for Cosmological Simulations -- An Approach for ParallelFluid-Structure Interaction on Unstructured Meshes -- Optimizing a Conjugate Gradient Solver with Non-Blocking Collective Operations -- Parallel DSMC Gasflow Simulation of an In-Line Coater for Reactive Sputtering -- Parallel Simulation of T-M Processes in Underground Repository of Spent Nuclear Fuel -- Poster Abstracts -- On the Usability of High-Level Parallel IO in Unstructured Grid Simulations -- Automated Performance Comparison -- Improved GROMACS Scaling on Ethernet Switched Clusters -- Asynchronity in Collective Operation Implementation -- PARUS: A Parallel Programming Framework for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems -- Application of PVM to Protein Homology Search.
10.1007/11846802 doi
Computer systems.
Computer programming.
Compilers (Computer programs).
Computer science.
Numerical analysis.
Computer arithmetic and logic units.
Computer System Implementation.
Programming Techniques.
Compilers and Interpreters.
Theory of Computation.
Numerical Analysis.
Arithmetic and Logic Structures.
Invited Talks -- Too Big for MPI? -- Approaches for Parallel Applications Fault Tolerance -- Where Does MPI Need to Grow? -- Peta-Scale Supercomputer Project in Japan and Challenges to Life and Human Simulation in Japan -- Resource and Application Adaptivity in Message Passing Systems -- Performance Advantages of Partitioned Global Address Space Languages -- Tutorials -- Using MPI-2: A Problem-Based Approach -- Performance Tools for Parallel Programming -- High-Performance Parallel I/O -- Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Parallel Programming -- Outstanding Papers -- Issues in Developing a Thread-Safe MPI Implementation -- Scalable Parallel Suffix Array Construction -- Formal Verification of Programs That Use MPI One-Sided Communication -- Collective Communication -- MPI Collective Algorithm Selection and Quadtree Encoding -- Parallel Prefix (Scan) Algorithms for MPI -- Efficient Allgather for Regular SMP-Clusters -- Efficient Shared Memory and RDMA Based Design for MPI_Allgather over InfiniBand -- Communication Protocols -- High Performance RDMA Protocols in HPC -- Implementation and Shared-Memory Evaluation of MPICH2 over the Nemesis Communication Subsystem -- MPI/CTP: A Reconfigurable MPI for HPC Applications -- Debugging and Verification -- Correctness Checking of MPI One-Sided Communication Using Marmot -- An Interface to Support the Identification of Dynamic MPI 2 Processes for Scalable Parallel Debugging -- Modeling and Verification of MPI Based Distributed Software -- Fault Tolerance -- FT-MPI, Fault-Tolerant Metacomputing and Generic Name Services: A Case Study -- Scalable Fault Tolerant Protocol for Parallel Runtime Environments -- An Intelligent Management of Fault Tolerance in Cluster Using RADICMPI -- Extended mpiJava for Distributed Checkpointing and Recovery -- Metacomputing and Grid -- Running PVM Applications on Multidomain Clusters -- Reliable Orchestration of Distributed MPI-Applications in a UNICORE-Based Grid with MetaMPICH and MetaScheduling -- The New Multidevice Architecture of MetaMPICH in the Context of Other Approaches to Grid-Enabled MPI -- Using an Enterprise Grid for Execution of MPI Parallel Applications - A Case Study -- Parallel I/O -- Self-adaptive Hints for Collective I/O -- Exploiting Shared Memory to Improve Parallel I/O Performance -- High-Bandwidth Remote Parallel I/O with the Distributed Memory Filesystem MEMFS -- Effective Seamless Remote MPI-I/O Operations with Derived Data Types Using PVFS2 -- Implementation Issues -- Automatic Memory Optimizations for Improving MPI Derived Datatype Performance -- Improving the Dynamic Creation of Processes in MPI-2 -- Object-Oriented Message Passing -- Non-blocking Java Communications Support on Clusters -- Modernizing the C++ Interface to MPI -- Limitations and Extensions -- Can MPI Be Used for Persistent Parallel Services? -- Observations on MPI-2 Support for Hybrid Master/Slave Applications in Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments -- What MPI Could (and Cannot) Do for Mesh-Partitioning on Non-homogeneous Networks -- Performance -- Scalable Parallel Trace-Based Performance Analysis -- TAUg: Runtime Global Performance Data Access Using MPI -- Tracing the MPI-IO Calls' Disk Accesses -- Measuring MPI Send and Receive Overhead and Application Availability in High Performance Network Interfaces -- Challenges and Issues in Benchmarking MPI -- Implementation and Usage of the PERUSE-Interface in Open MPI -- ParSim -- 5th International Special Session on Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments -- MPJ Express Meets Gadget: Towards a Java Code for Cosmological Simulations -- An Approach for ParallelFluid-Structure Interaction on Unstructured Meshes -- Optimizing a Conjugate Gradient Solver with Non-Blocking Collective Operations -- Parallel DSMC Gasflow Simulation of an In-Line Coater for Reactive Sputtering -- Parallel Simulation of T-M Processes in Underground Repository of Spent Nuclear Fuel -- Poster Abstracts -- On the Usability of High-Level Parallel IO in Unstructured Grid Simulations -- Automated Performance Comparison -- Improved GROMACS Scaling on Ethernet Switched Clusters -- Asynchronity in Collective Operation Implementation -- PARUS: A Parallel Programming Framework for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems -- Application of PVM to Protein Homology Search.
10.1007/11846802 doi
Computer systems.
Computer programming.
Compilers (Computer programs).
Computer science.
Numerical analysis.
Computer arithmetic and logic units.
Computer System Implementation.
Programming Techniques.
Compilers and Interpreters.
Theory of Computation.
Numerical Analysis.
Arithmetic and Logic Structures.