Euro-Par 2009, Parallel Processing - Workshops HPPC, HeteroPar, PROPER, ROIA, UNICORE, VHPC, Delft, The Netherlands, August 25-28, 2009, Workshops / [electronic resource] :
edited by Hai-Xiang Lin, Michael Alexander, Martti Forsell, Andreas Knüpfer, Radu Prodan, Leonel Sousa, Achim Streit.
- 1st ed. 2010.
- XIX, 468 p. 137 illus. online resource.
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 6043 2512-2029 ; .
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 6043 .
Third Workshop on Highly Parallel Processing on a Chip (HPPC 2009) -- HPPC 2009: 3rd Workshop on Highly Parallel Processing on a Chip -- The Next 25 Years of Computer Architecture? -- Software Development and Programming of Multi-core SoC -- HPPC 2009 Panel: Are Many-Core Computer Vendors on Track? -- Distance Constrained Mapping to Support NoC Platforms Based on Source Routing -- Parallel Variable-Length Encoding on GPGPUs -- Towards Metaprogramming for Parallel Systems on a Chip -- Dynamic Detection of Uniform and Affine Vectors in GPGPU Computations -- Automatic Calibration of Performance Models on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures -- Seventh International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar 2009) -- Preface -- Static Worksharing Strategies for Heterogeneous Computers with Unrecoverable Failures -- Resource Allocation for Multiple Concurrent In-network Stream-Processing Applications -- Distributed Data Partitioning for Heterogeneous Processors Based on Partial Estimation of Their Functional Performance Models -- An Efficient Weighted Bi-objective Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Systems -- Two-Dimensional Matrix Partitioning for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Processors Based on Their Functional Performance Models -- Accelerating S3D: A GPGPU Case Study -- Using Hybrid CPU-GPU Platforms to Accelerate the Computation of the Matrix Sign Function -- Modelling Pilot-Job Applications on Production Grids -- Modeling Resubmission in Unreliable Grids: The Bottom-Up Approach -- Reliable Parallel Programming Model for Distributed Computing Environments -- Second Workshop on Productivity and Performance (PROPER 2009) -- PROPER 2009: Workshop on Productivity and Performance - Tools for HPC Application Development -- Argument Controlled Profiling -- Detailed Performance Analysis Using Coarse Grain Sampling -- Automatic Performance Analysis of Large Scale Simulations -- Performance Simulation of Non-blocking Communication in Message-Passing Applications -- Capturing and Visualizing Event Flow Graphs of MPI Applications -- Scalable Event Trace Visualization -- Workshop on Real-Time Interactive Applications on the Grid (ROIA 2009) -- Preface -- Bipartite Electronic SLA as a Business Framework to Support Cross-Organization Load Management of Real-Time Online Applications -- Monitoring and Fault Tolerance for Real-Time Online Interactive Applications -- A Service-Oriented Interface for Highly Interactive Distributed Applications -- CompTalks - From a Meta-model Towards a Framework for Application-Level Interaction Protocols -- CAMEO: Continuous Analytics for Massively Multiplayer Online Games on Cloud Resources -- Complex Multiplayer Urban Design System - Concept and Case Studies -- UNICORE Summit 2009 -- Preface -- JavaGAT Adaptor for UNICORE 6 - Development and Evaluation in the Project AeroGrid -- Towards a Common Authorization Infrastructure for the Grid -- Using UNICORE and WS-BPEL for Scientific Workflow Execution inGrid Environments -- Enhancing UNICORE Storage Management Using Hadoop Distributed File System -- A Data Management System for UNICORE 6 -- UNICORE-Related Projects for Deploying the Belarusian National Grid Network -- Fourth Workshop on Virtualization in High - Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC 2009) -- VHPC 2009: 4th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing -- SSD-HDD-Hybrid Virtual Disk in Consolidated Environments -- An Efficient Implementation of GPU Virtualization in High Performance Clusters -- MyriXen: Message Passing in Xen Virtual Machines over Myrinet and Ethernet -- Virtage: Server Virtualization with Hardware Transparency -- Scalable Repositories for Virtual Clusters -- Dynamic Virtual Cluster Reconfiguration for Efficient IaaS Provisioning -- Performance Measurement of a Private Cloud in the OpenCirrusTM Testbed -- Providing Grid Services Based on Virtualization and Cloud Technologies -- Real-Time Issues in Live Migration of Virtual Machines.
10.1007/978-3-642-14122-5 doi
Computer networks .
Electronic digital computers--Evaluation.
Software engineering.
Computer programming.
Computers, Special purpose.
Computer Communication Networks.
System Performance and Evaluation.
Software Engineering.
Programming Techniques.
Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems.
Third Workshop on Highly Parallel Processing on a Chip (HPPC 2009) -- HPPC 2009: 3rd Workshop on Highly Parallel Processing on a Chip -- The Next 25 Years of Computer Architecture? -- Software Development and Programming of Multi-core SoC -- HPPC 2009 Panel: Are Many-Core Computer Vendors on Track? -- Distance Constrained Mapping to Support NoC Platforms Based on Source Routing -- Parallel Variable-Length Encoding on GPGPUs -- Towards Metaprogramming for Parallel Systems on a Chip -- Dynamic Detection of Uniform and Affine Vectors in GPGPU Computations -- Automatic Calibration of Performance Models on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures -- Seventh International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar 2009) -- Preface -- Static Worksharing Strategies for Heterogeneous Computers with Unrecoverable Failures -- Resource Allocation for Multiple Concurrent In-network Stream-Processing Applications -- Distributed Data Partitioning for Heterogeneous Processors Based on Partial Estimation of Their Functional Performance Models -- An Efficient Weighted Bi-objective Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Systems -- Two-Dimensional Matrix Partitioning for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Processors Based on Their Functional Performance Models -- Accelerating S3D: A GPGPU Case Study -- Using Hybrid CPU-GPU Platforms to Accelerate the Computation of the Matrix Sign Function -- Modelling Pilot-Job Applications on Production Grids -- Modeling Resubmission in Unreliable Grids: The Bottom-Up Approach -- Reliable Parallel Programming Model for Distributed Computing Environments -- Second Workshop on Productivity and Performance (PROPER 2009) -- PROPER 2009: Workshop on Productivity and Performance - Tools for HPC Application Development -- Argument Controlled Profiling -- Detailed Performance Analysis Using Coarse Grain Sampling -- Automatic Performance Analysis of Large Scale Simulations -- Performance Simulation of Non-blocking Communication in Message-Passing Applications -- Capturing and Visualizing Event Flow Graphs of MPI Applications -- Scalable Event Trace Visualization -- Workshop on Real-Time Interactive Applications on the Grid (ROIA 2009) -- Preface -- Bipartite Electronic SLA as a Business Framework to Support Cross-Organization Load Management of Real-Time Online Applications -- Monitoring and Fault Tolerance for Real-Time Online Interactive Applications -- A Service-Oriented Interface for Highly Interactive Distributed Applications -- CompTalks - From a Meta-model Towards a Framework for Application-Level Interaction Protocols -- CAMEO: Continuous Analytics for Massively Multiplayer Online Games on Cloud Resources -- Complex Multiplayer Urban Design System - Concept and Case Studies -- UNICORE Summit 2009 -- Preface -- JavaGAT Adaptor for UNICORE 6 - Development and Evaluation in the Project AeroGrid -- Towards a Common Authorization Infrastructure for the Grid -- Using UNICORE and WS-BPEL for Scientific Workflow Execution inGrid Environments -- Enhancing UNICORE Storage Management Using Hadoop Distributed File System -- A Data Management System for UNICORE 6 -- UNICORE-Related Projects for Deploying the Belarusian National Grid Network -- Fourth Workshop on Virtualization in High - Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC 2009) -- VHPC 2009: 4th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing -- SSD-HDD-Hybrid Virtual Disk in Consolidated Environments -- An Efficient Implementation of GPU Virtualization in High Performance Clusters -- MyriXen: Message Passing in Xen Virtual Machines over Myrinet and Ethernet -- Virtage: Server Virtualization with Hardware Transparency -- Scalable Repositories for Virtual Clusters -- Dynamic Virtual Cluster Reconfiguration for Efficient IaaS Provisioning -- Performance Measurement of a Private Cloud in the OpenCirrusTM Testbed -- Providing Grid Services Based on Virtualization and Cloud Technologies -- Real-Time Issues in Live Migration of Virtual Machines.
10.1007/978-3-642-14122-5 doi
Computer networks .
Electronic digital computers--Evaluation.
Software engineering.
Computer programming.
Computers, Special purpose.
Computer Communication Networks.
System Performance and Evaluation.
Software Engineering.
Programming Techniques.
Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems.