Human Language Technology. Challenges of the Information Society Third Language and Technology Conference, LTC 2007, Poznan, Poland, October 5-7, 2007, Revised Selected Papers / [electronic resource] :
edited by Zygmunt Vetulani, Hans Uszkoreit.
- 1st ed. 2009.
- XVI, 472 p. online resource.
- Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5603 2945-9141 ; .
- Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5603 .
Speech Processing -- Exploring the Structure of Broadcast News for Topic Segmentation -- Application of Slope Filtering to Robust Spectral Envelope Extraction for Speech/Speaker Recognition -- Spoken Language Interface for Mobile Devices -- A Study on Bilingual Speech Recognition Involving a Minority Language -- Annotated Corpus of Polish Spoken Dialogues -- Triphone Statistics for Polish Language -- Computational Morphology -- ROG - A Paradigmatic Morphological Generator for Romanian -- Building a Morphosyntactic Lexicon and a Pre-syntactic Processing Chain for Polish -- A Relational Model of Polish Inflection in Grammatical Dictionary of Polish -- Parsing and Generation -- Syntactic Spreadsheets: In Search for a Human-Readable Representation of Parse Tree Forests -- A Hybrid System for Named Entity Metonymy Resolution -- Spejd: A Shallow Processing and Morphological Disambiguation Tool -- Flexible Natural Language Generation in Multiple Contexts -- A Measure of the Number of True Analogies between Chunks in Japanese -- Shallow Parsing of Transcribed Speech of Estonian and Disfluency Detection -- Mining Parsing Results for Lexical Correction: Toward a Complete Correction Process of Wide-Coverage Lexicons -- Efficient Parsing Using Recursive Transition Networks with Output -- The Deep Parser for Polish -- Computational Semantics -- Automatically Determining Attitude Type and Force for Sentiment Analysis -- A Readability Checker Based on Deep Semantic Indicators -- The DANTE Temporal Expression Tagger -- Hybrid Unsupervised Learning to Uncover Discourse Structure -- Pronoun Resolution in Turkish Using Decision Tree and Rule-Based Learning Algorithms -- Digital Language Resources -- LMF-QL: A Graphical Tool to Query LMF Databases for NLP and Editorial Use -- Novelty Extraction from Special andParallel Corpora -- Construction of Text Corpus of Polish Using the Internet -- A Predicate Database for Assisting the Design of a Lexicon-Grammar of Predicative Nouns -- A Standard Lexical-Terminological Resource for the Bio Domain -- Extracting Collocations in Contexts -- WordNet -- Putting Semantics into WordNet's "Morphosemantic" Links -- Leveraging Parallel Corpora and Existing Wordnets for Automatic Construction of the Slovene Wordnet -- An Algorithm for Building Lexical Semantic Network and Its Application to PolNet - Polish WordNet Project -- Information Retrieval/Extraction -- ECODE: A Definition Extraction System -- Using Graph-Based Indexing to Identify Subject-Shift in Topic Tracking -- Result Aggregation for Knowledge-Intensive Multicultural Name Matching -- Comparison of String Distance Metrics for Lemmatisation of Named Entities in Polish -- An Iterative Model for Discovering Person Coreferences Using Name Frequency Estimates -- Machine Translation -- Hapax Legomena: Their Contribution in Number and Efficiency to Word Alignment -- Statistical Machine Translation from Slovenian to English Using Reduced Morphology -- Semi-automatic Creation of a Dictionary of Nominal Compounds.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies, LTC 2007, held in Poznan, Poland in October 5-7, 2007. The 40 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers are organized in topical sections on speech processing, computational morphology, parsing and generation, computational semantics, digital language resources, WordNet, information retrieval/extraction and machine translation.
10.1007/978-3-642-04235-5 doi
Natural language processing (Computer science).
Digital humanities.
Biometric identification.
Pattern recognition systems.
Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Digital Humanities.
Automated Pattern Recognition.
Speech Processing -- Exploring the Structure of Broadcast News for Topic Segmentation -- Application of Slope Filtering to Robust Spectral Envelope Extraction for Speech/Speaker Recognition -- Spoken Language Interface for Mobile Devices -- A Study on Bilingual Speech Recognition Involving a Minority Language -- Annotated Corpus of Polish Spoken Dialogues -- Triphone Statistics for Polish Language -- Computational Morphology -- ROG - A Paradigmatic Morphological Generator for Romanian -- Building a Morphosyntactic Lexicon and a Pre-syntactic Processing Chain for Polish -- A Relational Model of Polish Inflection in Grammatical Dictionary of Polish -- Parsing and Generation -- Syntactic Spreadsheets: In Search for a Human-Readable Representation of Parse Tree Forests -- A Hybrid System for Named Entity Metonymy Resolution -- Spejd: A Shallow Processing and Morphological Disambiguation Tool -- Flexible Natural Language Generation in Multiple Contexts -- A Measure of the Number of True Analogies between Chunks in Japanese -- Shallow Parsing of Transcribed Speech of Estonian and Disfluency Detection -- Mining Parsing Results for Lexical Correction: Toward a Complete Correction Process of Wide-Coverage Lexicons -- Efficient Parsing Using Recursive Transition Networks with Output -- The Deep Parser for Polish -- Computational Semantics -- Automatically Determining Attitude Type and Force for Sentiment Analysis -- A Readability Checker Based on Deep Semantic Indicators -- The DANTE Temporal Expression Tagger -- Hybrid Unsupervised Learning to Uncover Discourse Structure -- Pronoun Resolution in Turkish Using Decision Tree and Rule-Based Learning Algorithms -- Digital Language Resources -- LMF-QL: A Graphical Tool to Query LMF Databases for NLP and Editorial Use -- Novelty Extraction from Special andParallel Corpora -- Construction of Text Corpus of Polish Using the Internet -- A Predicate Database for Assisting the Design of a Lexicon-Grammar of Predicative Nouns -- A Standard Lexical-Terminological Resource for the Bio Domain -- Extracting Collocations in Contexts -- WordNet -- Putting Semantics into WordNet's "Morphosemantic" Links -- Leveraging Parallel Corpora and Existing Wordnets for Automatic Construction of the Slovene Wordnet -- An Algorithm for Building Lexical Semantic Network and Its Application to PolNet - Polish WordNet Project -- Information Retrieval/Extraction -- ECODE: A Definition Extraction System -- Using Graph-Based Indexing to Identify Subject-Shift in Topic Tracking -- Result Aggregation for Knowledge-Intensive Multicultural Name Matching -- Comparison of String Distance Metrics for Lemmatisation of Named Entities in Polish -- An Iterative Model for Discovering Person Coreferences Using Name Frequency Estimates -- Machine Translation -- Hapax Legomena: Their Contribution in Number and Efficiency to Word Alignment -- Statistical Machine Translation from Slovenian to English Using Reduced Morphology -- Semi-automatic Creation of a Dictionary of Nominal Compounds.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies, LTC 2007, held in Poznan, Poland in October 5-7, 2007. The 40 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers are organized in topical sections on speech processing, computational morphology, parsing and generation, computational semantics, digital language resources, WordNet, information retrieval/extraction and machine translation.
10.1007/978-3-642-04235-5 doi
Natural language processing (Computer science).
Digital humanities.
Biometric identification.
Pattern recognition systems.
Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Digital Humanities.
Automated Pattern Recognition.