Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2004 First International Colloquium Guiyand, China, September 20-24, 2004, Revised Selected Papers / [electronic resource] :
edited by Zhiming Liu, Keijiro Araki.
- 1st ed. 2005.
- XIV, 566 p. online resource.
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 3407 2512-2029 ; .
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 3407 .
Invited Speakers -- Software Services: Scientific Challenge or Industrial Hype? -- Integrating Variants of DC -- Challenges in Increasing Tool Support for Programming -- A Predicate Spatial Logic and Model Checking for Mobile Processes -- Concurrent and Distributed Systems -- Object Connectivity and Full Abstraction for a Concurrent Calculus of Classes -- Specifying Software Connectors -- Replicative - Distribution Rules in P Systems with Active Membranes -- A Generalisation of a Relational Structures Model of Concurrency -- A Logical Characterization of Efficiency Preorders -- Inherent Causal Orderings of Partial Order Scenarios -- Atomic Components -- Towards an Optimization-Based Method for Consolidating Domain Variabilities in Domain-Specific Web Services Composition -- Model Integration and Theory Unification -- A Formal Framework for Ontology Integration Based on a Default Extension to DDL -- A Predicative Semantic Model for Integrating UML Models -- An Automatic Mapping from Statecharts to Verilog -- Reverse Observation Equivalence Between Labelled State Transition Systems -- Program Reasoning and Testing -- Minimal Spanning Set for Coverage Testing of Interactive Systems -- An Approach to Integration Testing Based on Data Flow Specifications -- Combining Algebraic and Model-Based Test Case Generation -- Verifying OWL and ORL Ontologies in PVS -- Verification -- Symbolic and Parametric Model Checking of Discrete-Time Markov Chains -- Verifying Linear Duration Constraints of Timed Automata -- Idempotent Relations in Isabelle/HOL -- Program Verification Using Automatic Generation of Invariants, -- Theories of Programming and Programming Languages -- Random Generators for Dependent Types -- A Proof of Weak Termination Providing the Right Way to Terminate -- Nelson-Oppen, Shostak and the ExtendedCanonizer: A Family Picture with a Newborn -- Real Time Reactive Programming in Lucid Enriched with Contexts -- Revision Programs with Explicit Negation -- Real-Time and Co-design -- An Algebraic Approach for Codesign -- Duration Calculus: A Real-Time Semantic for B -- An Algebra of Petri Nets with Arc-Based Time Restrictions -- A Calculus for Shapes in Time and Space -- A Framework for Specification and Validation of Real-Time Systems Using Circus Actions -- Automata Theory and Logics -- Switched Probabilistic I/O Automata -- Decomposing Controllers into Non-conflicting Distributed Controllers -- Reasoning About Co-Büchi Tree Automata -- Foundations for the Run-Time Monitoring of Reactive Systems - Fundamentals of the MaC Language -- Tutorials at ICTAC 2004 -- A Summary of the Tutorials at ICTAC 2004.
10.1007/b107116 doi
Computer science.
Machine theory.
Compilers (Computer programs).
Software engineering.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming.
Formal Languages and Automata Theory.
Compilers and Interpreters.
Software Engineering.
Invited Speakers -- Software Services: Scientific Challenge or Industrial Hype? -- Integrating Variants of DC -- Challenges in Increasing Tool Support for Programming -- A Predicate Spatial Logic and Model Checking for Mobile Processes -- Concurrent and Distributed Systems -- Object Connectivity and Full Abstraction for a Concurrent Calculus of Classes -- Specifying Software Connectors -- Replicative - Distribution Rules in P Systems with Active Membranes -- A Generalisation of a Relational Structures Model of Concurrency -- A Logical Characterization of Efficiency Preorders -- Inherent Causal Orderings of Partial Order Scenarios -- Atomic Components -- Towards an Optimization-Based Method for Consolidating Domain Variabilities in Domain-Specific Web Services Composition -- Model Integration and Theory Unification -- A Formal Framework for Ontology Integration Based on a Default Extension to DDL -- A Predicative Semantic Model for Integrating UML Models -- An Automatic Mapping from Statecharts to Verilog -- Reverse Observation Equivalence Between Labelled State Transition Systems -- Program Reasoning and Testing -- Minimal Spanning Set for Coverage Testing of Interactive Systems -- An Approach to Integration Testing Based on Data Flow Specifications -- Combining Algebraic and Model-Based Test Case Generation -- Verifying OWL and ORL Ontologies in PVS -- Verification -- Symbolic and Parametric Model Checking of Discrete-Time Markov Chains -- Verifying Linear Duration Constraints of Timed Automata -- Idempotent Relations in Isabelle/HOL -- Program Verification Using Automatic Generation of Invariants, -- Theories of Programming and Programming Languages -- Random Generators for Dependent Types -- A Proof of Weak Termination Providing the Right Way to Terminate -- Nelson-Oppen, Shostak and the ExtendedCanonizer: A Family Picture with a Newborn -- Real Time Reactive Programming in Lucid Enriched with Contexts -- Revision Programs with Explicit Negation -- Real-Time and Co-design -- An Algebraic Approach for Codesign -- Duration Calculus: A Real-Time Semantic for B -- An Algebra of Petri Nets with Arc-Based Time Restrictions -- A Calculus for Shapes in Time and Space -- A Framework for Specification and Validation of Real-Time Systems Using Circus Actions -- Automata Theory and Logics -- Switched Probabilistic I/O Automata -- Decomposing Controllers into Non-conflicting Distributed Controllers -- Reasoning About Co-Büchi Tree Automata -- Foundations for the Run-Time Monitoring of Reactive Systems - Fundamentals of the MaC Language -- Tutorials at ICTAC 2004 -- A Summary of the Tutorials at ICTAC 2004.
10.1007/b107116 doi
Computer science.
Machine theory.
Compilers (Computer programs).
Software engineering.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming.
Formal Languages and Automata Theory.
Compilers and Interpreters.
Software Engineering.