Nature Inspired Problem-Solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering Second International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2007, La Manga del Mar Menor, Spain, June 18-21, 2007, Proceedings, Part II / [electronic resource] :
edited by José Mira, José R. Álvarez.
- 1st ed. 2007.
- XXII, 650 p. online resource.
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 4528 2512-2029 ; .
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 4528 .
High Performance Implementation of an FPGA-Based Sequential DT-CNN -- HANNA: A Tool for Hardware Prototyping and Benchmarking of ANNs -- Improvement of ANNs Performance to Generate Fitting Surfaces for Analog CMOS Circuits -- Wavelet Network for Nonlinearities Reduction in Multicarrier Systems -- Improved Likelihood Ratio Test Detector Using a Jointly Gaussian Probability Distribution Function -- Performance Monitoring of Closed-Loop Controlled Systems Using dFasArt -- Normalising Brain PET Images -- Automatic Segmentation of Single and Multiple Neoplastic Hepatic Lesions in CT Images -- Biometric and Color Features Fusion for Face Detection and Tracking in Natural Video Sequences -- Identifying Major Components of Pictures by Audio Encoding of Colours -- Towards a Semi-automatic Situation Diagnosis System in Surveillance Tasks -- An Implementation of a General Purpose Attentional Mechanism for Artificial Organisms -- Optimal Cue Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision -- The Underlying Formal Model of Algorithmic Lateral Inhibition in Motion Detection -- Novel Strategies for the Optimal Registration of Biomedical Images -- Characterization of Artificial Muscles Using Image Processing -- Segmentation of Sequences of Stereoscopic Images for Modelling Artificial Muscles -- A Support Vector Method for Estimating Joint Density of Medical Images -- Segmentation of Moving Objects with Information Feedback Between Description Levels -- Knowledge-Based Road Traffic Monitoring -- Comparison of Classifiers for Human Activity Recognition -- A Multi-robot Surveillance System Simulated in Gazebo -- Context Data to Improve Association in Visual Tracking Systems -- Automatic Control of Video Surveillance Camera Sabotage -- Complex Permittivity Estimation by Bio-inspired Algorithms for Target Identification Improvement -- Context Information for Human Behavior Analysis and Prediction -- Road Sign Analysis Using Multisensory Data -- Video Tracking Association Problem Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms in Complex Scenes -- Context Information for Understanding Forest Fire Using Evolutionary Computation -- Feed-Forward Learning: Fast Reinforcement Learning of Controllers -- An Adaptive Michigan Approach PSO for Nearest Prototype Classification -- Behavioural Modeling by Clustering Based on Utility Measures -- Two-Stage Ant Colony Optimization for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem -- Solving Dial-a-Ride Problems with a Low-Level Hybridization of Ants and Constraint Programming -- Profitability Comparison Between Gas Turbines and Gas Engine in Biomass-Based Power Plants Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization -- Combining the Best of the Two Worlds: Inheritance Versus Experience -- Towards the Automatic Learning of Reflex Modulation for Mobile Robot Navigation -- Evolving Robot Behaviour at Micro (Molecular) and Macro (Molar) Action Level -- Discretization of ISO-Learning and ICO-Learning to Be Included into Reactive Neural Networks for a Robotics Simulator -- Towards Automatic Camera Calibration Under Changing Lighting Conditions Through Fuzzy Rules -- Social Interaction in Robotic Agents Emulating the Mirror Neuron Function -- Integration of Stereoscopic and Perspective Cues for Slant Estimation in Natural and Artificial Systems -- An Approach to Visual Scenes Matching with Curvilinear Regions -- Supervised dFasArt: A Neuro-fuzzy Dynamic Architecture for Maneuver Detection in Road Vehicle Collision Avoidance Support Systems -- Neuro-fuzzy Based Maneuver Detection for Collision Avoidance in Road Vehicles -- The Coevolution of Robot Behavior and Central Action Selection -- WiSARD and NSP for Robot Global Localization -- Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Neuro-controller for Trajectory Tracking of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots -- Sharing Gaze Control in a Robotic System -- An AER-Based Actuator Interface for Controlling an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand -- Tackling the Error Correcting Code Problem Via the Cooperation of Local-Search-Based Agents -- Strategies for Affect-Controlled Action-Selection in Soar-RL -- An Agent-Based Decision Support System for Ecological-Medical Situation Analysis -- A Meta-ontological Framework for Multi-agent Systems Design -- Design of an Agent-Based System for Passenger Transportation Using PASSI -- The INGENIAS Methodology for Advanced Surveillance Systems Modelling -- Propos: A Dynamic Web Tool for Managing Possibilistic and Probabilistic Temporal Constraint Networks -- BIRD: Biomedical Information Integration and Discovery with Semantic Web Services -- Neural Networks to Predict Schooling Failure/Success -- Application of Genetic Algorithms for Microwave Oven Design: Power Efficiency Optimization -- Application of Neural Networks to Atmospheric Pollutants Remote Sensing -- Air Pollutant Level Estimation Applying a Self-organizing Neural Network -- Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Determination of Dielectric Properties of Materials at Microwave Frequencies -- Putting Artificial Intelligence Techniques into a Concept Map to Build Educational Tools -- A Preliminary Neural Model for Movement Direction Recognition Based on Biologically Plausible Plasticity Rules -- Classification of Biomedical Signals Using a Haar 4 Wavelet Transform and a Hamming Neural Network.
10.1007/978-3-540-73055-2 doi
Artificial intelligence.
Computer science.
Computer vision.
Pattern recognition systems.
Artificial Intelligence.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Vision.
Automated Pattern Recognition.
Computational and Systems Biology.
Q334-342 TA347.A78
High Performance Implementation of an FPGA-Based Sequential DT-CNN -- HANNA: A Tool for Hardware Prototyping and Benchmarking of ANNs -- Improvement of ANNs Performance to Generate Fitting Surfaces for Analog CMOS Circuits -- Wavelet Network for Nonlinearities Reduction in Multicarrier Systems -- Improved Likelihood Ratio Test Detector Using a Jointly Gaussian Probability Distribution Function -- Performance Monitoring of Closed-Loop Controlled Systems Using dFasArt -- Normalising Brain PET Images -- Automatic Segmentation of Single and Multiple Neoplastic Hepatic Lesions in CT Images -- Biometric and Color Features Fusion for Face Detection and Tracking in Natural Video Sequences -- Identifying Major Components of Pictures by Audio Encoding of Colours -- Towards a Semi-automatic Situation Diagnosis System in Surveillance Tasks -- An Implementation of a General Purpose Attentional Mechanism for Artificial Organisms -- Optimal Cue Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision -- The Underlying Formal Model of Algorithmic Lateral Inhibition in Motion Detection -- Novel Strategies for the Optimal Registration of Biomedical Images -- Characterization of Artificial Muscles Using Image Processing -- Segmentation of Sequences of Stereoscopic Images for Modelling Artificial Muscles -- A Support Vector Method for Estimating Joint Density of Medical Images -- Segmentation of Moving Objects with Information Feedback Between Description Levels -- Knowledge-Based Road Traffic Monitoring -- Comparison of Classifiers for Human Activity Recognition -- A Multi-robot Surveillance System Simulated in Gazebo -- Context Data to Improve Association in Visual Tracking Systems -- Automatic Control of Video Surveillance Camera Sabotage -- Complex Permittivity Estimation by Bio-inspired Algorithms for Target Identification Improvement -- Context Information for Human Behavior Analysis and Prediction -- Road Sign Analysis Using Multisensory Data -- Video Tracking Association Problem Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms in Complex Scenes -- Context Information for Understanding Forest Fire Using Evolutionary Computation -- Feed-Forward Learning: Fast Reinforcement Learning of Controllers -- An Adaptive Michigan Approach PSO for Nearest Prototype Classification -- Behavioural Modeling by Clustering Based on Utility Measures -- Two-Stage Ant Colony Optimization for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem -- Solving Dial-a-Ride Problems with a Low-Level Hybridization of Ants and Constraint Programming -- Profitability Comparison Between Gas Turbines and Gas Engine in Biomass-Based Power Plants Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization -- Combining the Best of the Two Worlds: Inheritance Versus Experience -- Towards the Automatic Learning of Reflex Modulation for Mobile Robot Navigation -- Evolving Robot Behaviour at Micro (Molecular) and Macro (Molar) Action Level -- Discretization of ISO-Learning and ICO-Learning to Be Included into Reactive Neural Networks for a Robotics Simulator -- Towards Automatic Camera Calibration Under Changing Lighting Conditions Through Fuzzy Rules -- Social Interaction in Robotic Agents Emulating the Mirror Neuron Function -- Integration of Stereoscopic and Perspective Cues for Slant Estimation in Natural and Artificial Systems -- An Approach to Visual Scenes Matching with Curvilinear Regions -- Supervised dFasArt: A Neuro-fuzzy Dynamic Architecture for Maneuver Detection in Road Vehicle Collision Avoidance Support Systems -- Neuro-fuzzy Based Maneuver Detection for Collision Avoidance in Road Vehicles -- The Coevolution of Robot Behavior and Central Action Selection -- WiSARD and NSP for Robot Global Localization -- Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Neuro-controller for Trajectory Tracking of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots -- Sharing Gaze Control in a Robotic System -- An AER-Based Actuator Interface for Controlling an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand -- Tackling the Error Correcting Code Problem Via the Cooperation of Local-Search-Based Agents -- Strategies for Affect-Controlled Action-Selection in Soar-RL -- An Agent-Based Decision Support System for Ecological-Medical Situation Analysis -- A Meta-ontological Framework for Multi-agent Systems Design -- Design of an Agent-Based System for Passenger Transportation Using PASSI -- The INGENIAS Methodology for Advanced Surveillance Systems Modelling -- Propos: A Dynamic Web Tool for Managing Possibilistic and Probabilistic Temporal Constraint Networks -- BIRD: Biomedical Information Integration and Discovery with Semantic Web Services -- Neural Networks to Predict Schooling Failure/Success -- Application of Genetic Algorithms for Microwave Oven Design: Power Efficiency Optimization -- Application of Neural Networks to Atmospheric Pollutants Remote Sensing -- Air Pollutant Level Estimation Applying a Self-organizing Neural Network -- Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Determination of Dielectric Properties of Materials at Microwave Frequencies -- Putting Artificial Intelligence Techniques into a Concept Map to Build Educational Tools -- A Preliminary Neural Model for Movement Direction Recognition Based on Biologically Plausible Plasticity Rules -- Classification of Biomedical Signals Using a Haar 4 Wavelet Transform and a Hamming Neural Network.
10.1007/978-3-540-73055-2 doi
Artificial intelligence.
Computer science.
Computer vision.
Pattern recognition systems.
Artificial Intelligence.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Vision.
Automated Pattern Recognition.
Computational and Systems Biology.
Q334-342 TA347.A78