AI*IA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing 10th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Rome, Italy, September 10-13, 2007, Proceedings / [electronic resource] : edited by Roberto Basili, Maria Teresa Pazienza. - 1st ed. 2007. - XVII, 862 p. online resource. - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4733 2945-9141 ; . - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4733 .

Invited Talks -- Learning to Select Team Strategies in Finite-Timed Zero-Sum Games -- Expressive Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence, Games and New Media -- Artificial Ontologies and Real Thoughts: Populating the Semantic Web? -- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning -- Model-Based Diagnosability Analysis for Web Services -- Finite Model Reasoning on UML Class Diagrams Via Constraint Programming -- Model Checking and Preprocessing -- Some Issues About Cognitive Modelling and Functionalism -- Understanding the Environment Through Wireless Sensor Networks -- An Implementation of a Free-Variable Tableaux for KLM Preferential Logic P of Nonmonotonic Reasoning: The Theorem Prover FreeP 1.0 -- Ranking and Reputation Systems in the QBF Competition -- A Top Down Interpreter for LPAD and CP-Logic -- Multiagent Systems, Distributed AI -- A Multi-layered General Agent Model -- Goal Generation with Ordered Beliefs -- Verifying Agent Conformance with Protocols Specified in a Temporal Action Logic -- Knowledge Engineering, Ontologies and the Semantic Web -- Harvesting Relational and Structured Knowledge for Ontology Building in the WPro Architecture -- English Querying over Ontologies: E-QuOnto -- Use of Ontologies in Practical NL Query Interpretation -- Machine Learning -- Evolving Complex Neural Networks -- Discovering Relational Emerging Patterns -- Advanced Tree-Based Kernels for Protein Classification -- A Genetic Approach to the Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Control Systems from Numerical Controllers -- Trip Around the HMPerceptron Algorithm: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Tenets -- Instance-Based Query Answering with Semantic Knowledge Bases -- A Hierarchical Clustering Procedure for Semantically Annotated Resources -- Similarity-Guided Clause Generalization -- Structured Hidden Markov Model: A General Framework for Modeling Complex Sequences -- Nearest Local Hyperplane Rules for Pattern Classification -- Natural Language Processing -- The JIGSAW Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation and Semantic Indexing of Documents -- Data-Driven Dialogue for Interactive Question Answering -- GlossExtractor: A Web Application to Automatically Create a Domain Glossary -- A Tree Kernel-Based Shallow Semantic Parser for Thematic Role Extraction -- Inferring Coreferences Among Person Names in a Large Corpus of News Collections -- Dependency Tree Semantics: Branching Quantification in Underspecification -- Information Retrieval and Extraction -- User Modelling for Personalized Question Answering -- A Comparison of Genetic Algorithms for Optimizing Linguistically Informed IR in Question Answering -- A Variant of N-Gram Based Language Classification -- Planning and Scheduling -- SAT-Based Planning with Minimal-#actions Plans and "soft" Goals -- Plan Diagnosis and Agent Diagnosis in Multi-agent Systems -- Boosting the Performance of Iterative Flattening Search -- Real-Time Trajectory Generation for Mobile Robots -- AI and Applications -- Curricula Modeling and Checking -- Case-Based Support to Small-Medium Enterprises: The Symphony Project -- Synthesizing Proactive Assistance with Heterogeneous Agents -- Robust Color-Based Skin Detection for an Interactive Robot -- Building Quality-Based Views of the Web -- Special Track: AI and Robotics -- Reinforcement Learning in Complex Environments Through Multiple Adaptive Partitions -- Uses of Contextual Knowledge in Mobile Robots -- Natural Landmark Detection for Visually-Guided Robot Navigation -- Real-Time Visual Grasp Synthesis Using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks -- Attention-Based Environment Perception in Autonomous Robotics -- A 3D Virtual Model ofthe Knee Driven by EMG Signals -- Special Track: AI and Expressive Media -- 'O Francesca, ma che sei grulla?' Emotions and Irony in Persuasion Dialogues -- Music Expression Understanding Based on a Joint Semantic Space -- Towards Automated Game Design -- Tonal Harmony Analysis: A Supervised Sequential Learning Approach -- Words Not Cast in Stone -- Special Track: Intelligent Access to Multimedia Information -- Annotations as a Tool for Disclosing Hidden Relationships Between Illuminated Manuscripts -- Mining Web Data for Image Semantic Annotation -- Content Aware Image Enhancement -- Semantic Annotation of Complex Human Scenes for Multimedia Surveillance -- Synthesis of Hypermedia Using OWL and Jess -- NaviTexte, a Text Navigation Tool -- TV Genre Classification Using Multimodal Information and Multilayer Perceptrons -- Posters -- Hierarchical Text Categorization Through a Vertical Composition of Classifiers -- Text Categorization in Non-linear Semantic Space -- A System Supporting Users of Cultural Resource Management Semantic Portals -- Interactive Analysis of Time in Film Stories -- Towards MKDA: A Knowledge Discovery Assistant for Researches in Medicine -- Mobile Robots and Intelligent Environments -- Multi-robot Interacting Through Wireless Sensor Networks -- Design of a Multiagent Solution for Demand-Responsive Transportation -- Planning the Behaviour of a Social Robot Acting as a Majordomo in Public Environments -- Enhancing Comprehension of Ontologies and Conceptual Models Through Abstractions -- Recognizing Chinese Proper Nouns with Transformation-Based Learning and Ontology -- Toward Image-Based Localization for AIBO Using Wavelet Transform -- Crosslingual Retrieval in an eLearning Environment -- Constraint-Based School Timetabling Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms.


10.1007/978-3-540-74782-6 doi

Artificial intelligence.
Computer science.
Machine theory.
Artificial Intelligence.
Theory of Computation.
Formal Languages and Automata Theory.

Q334-342 TA347.A78
