Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 24th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2005, Fredrikstad, Norway, September 28-30, 2005, Proceedings / [electronic resource] : edited by Rune Winther, Bjoern Axel Gran, Gustav Dahll. - 1st ed. 2005. - XIII, 405 p. online resource. - Programming and Software Engineering, 3688 2945-9168 ; . - Programming and Software Engineering, 3688 .

CMMI RAMS Extension Based on CENELEC Railway Standard -- The Importance of Single-Source Engineering of Emergency and Process Shutdown Systems -- Combining Extended UML Models and Formal Methods to Analyze Real-Time Systems -- Defining and Decomposing Safety Policy for Systems of Systems -- Generalising Event Trees Using Bayesian Networks with a Case Study of Train Derailment -- Control and Data Flow Testing on Function Block Diagrams -- Comparing Software Measures with Fault Counts Derived from Unit-Testing of Safety-Critical Software -- Automatic Analysis of a Safety Critical Tele Control System -- A Formal Model for Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Systems -- Model-Based Safety Analysis of Simulink Models Using SCADE Design Verifier -- Using Safety Critical Artificial Neural Networks in Gas Turbine Aero-Engine Control -- On the Effectiveness of Run-Time Checks -- A Technique for Fault Tolerance Assessment of COTS Based Systems -- Finding Upper Bounds for Software Failure Probabilities - Experiments and Results -- Justification of Smart Sensors for Nuclear Applications -- Evolutionary Safety Analysis: Motivations from the Air Traffic Management Domain -- Public-Key Cryptography and Availability -- End-To-End Worst-Case Response Time Analysis for Hard Real-Time Distributed Systems -- Safety Interfaces for Component-Based Systems -- A Safety-Related PES for Task-Oriented Real-Time Execution Without Asynchronous Interrupts -- Are High-Level Languages Suitable for Robust Telecoms Software? -- Functional Apportioning of Safety Requirements on Railway Signalling Systems -- Automatic Code Generation for PLC Controllers -- The TACO Approach for Traceability and Communication of Requirements -- An IEC 62061 Compliant Safety System Design Method for Machinery -- Design Evaluation: Estimating MultipleCritical Performance and Cost Impacts of Designs -- The Application of an Object-Oriented Method in Information System Security Evaluation -- Towards a Cyber Security Reporting System - A Quality Improvement Process -- Security Research from a Multi-disciplinary and Multi-sectoral Perspective -- Problem Frames and Architectures for Security Problems.

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, SAFECOMP 2005, held in Fredrikstad, Norway, in September 2005. The 30 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers address all aspects of dependability and survivability of critical computerized systems in various branches and infrastructures.


10.1007/11563228 doi

Software engineering.
Coding theory.
Information theory.
Computers, Special purpose.
Computer science.
Electronic data processing--Management.
Software Engineering.
Coding and Information Theory.
Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems.
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming.
IT Operations.

