Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science First International Conference, CALCO 2005, Swansea, UK, September 3-6, 2005, Proceedings / [electronic resource] :
edited by José Luis Fiadeiro, Neil Harman, Markus Roggenbach, Jan Rutten.
- 1st ed. 2005.
- XII, 460 p. online resource.
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 3629 2512-2029 ; .
- Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, 3629 .
Invited Talks -- Abstract Scalars, Loops, and Free Traced and Strongly Compact Closed Categories -- Labels from Reductions: Towards a General Theory -- Adequacy for Algebraic Effects with State -- Contributed Papers -- Bisimilarity Is Not Finitely Based over BPA with Interrupt -- Algebra ? Coalgebra = Presheaves -- Strong Splitting Bisimulation Equivalence -- Complete Axioms for Stateless Connectors -- On the Semantics of Coinductive Types in Martin-Löf Type Theory -- Look: Simple Stochastic Relations Are Just, Well, Simple -- Modelling Fusion Calculus using HD-Automata -- An Algebraic Framework for Verifying the Correctness of Hardware with Input and Output: A Formalization in HOL -- Using Proofs by Coinduction to Find "Traditional" Proofs -- From T-Coalgebras to Filter Structures and Transition Systems -- Context-Free Languages via Coalgebraic Trace Semantics -- Towards a Coalgebraic Semantics of the Ambient Calculus -- The Least Fibred Lifting and the Expressivity of Coalgebraic Modal Logic -- Ultrafilter Extensions for Coalgebras -- Equational Logic of Recursive Program Schemes -- The Category Theoretic Solution of Recursive Program Schemes -- A Categorical Approach to Simulations -- Behavioral Extensions of Institutions -- Discrete Lawvere Theories -- Final Semantics for Event-Pattern Reactive Programs -- Complete Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Back-and-Forth Narrowing -- Final Sequences and Final Coalgebras for Measurable Spaces -- Bireachability and Final Multialgebras -- Parametrized Exceptions -- Property Preserving Redesign of Specifications.
10.1007/11548133 doi
Computer science.
Machine theory.
Software engineering.
Computer science--Mathematics.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming.
Formal Languages and Automata Theory.
Software Engineering.
Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation.
Invited Talks -- Abstract Scalars, Loops, and Free Traced and Strongly Compact Closed Categories -- Labels from Reductions: Towards a General Theory -- Adequacy for Algebraic Effects with State -- Contributed Papers -- Bisimilarity Is Not Finitely Based over BPA with Interrupt -- Algebra ? Coalgebra = Presheaves -- Strong Splitting Bisimulation Equivalence -- Complete Axioms for Stateless Connectors -- On the Semantics of Coinductive Types in Martin-Löf Type Theory -- Look: Simple Stochastic Relations Are Just, Well, Simple -- Modelling Fusion Calculus using HD-Automata -- An Algebraic Framework for Verifying the Correctness of Hardware with Input and Output: A Formalization in HOL -- Using Proofs by Coinduction to Find "Traditional" Proofs -- From T-Coalgebras to Filter Structures and Transition Systems -- Context-Free Languages via Coalgebraic Trace Semantics -- Towards a Coalgebraic Semantics of the Ambient Calculus -- The Least Fibred Lifting and the Expressivity of Coalgebraic Modal Logic -- Ultrafilter Extensions for Coalgebras -- Equational Logic of Recursive Program Schemes -- The Category Theoretic Solution of Recursive Program Schemes -- A Categorical Approach to Simulations -- Behavioral Extensions of Institutions -- Discrete Lawvere Theories -- Final Semantics for Event-Pattern Reactive Programs -- Complete Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Back-and-Forth Narrowing -- Final Sequences and Final Coalgebras for Measurable Spaces -- Bireachability and Final Multialgebras -- Parametrized Exceptions -- Property Preserving Redesign of Specifications.
10.1007/11548133 doi
Computer science.
Machine theory.
Software engineering.
Computer science--Mathematics.
Theory of Computation.
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming.
Formal Languages and Automata Theory.
Software Engineering.
Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation.