Retail Branding and Store Loyalty [electronic resource] : Analysis in the Context of Reciprocity, Store Accessibility, and Retail Formats / by Bettina Berg.
By: Berg, Bettina [author.].
Contributor(s): SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Managing Retail Brands Across Different Consumer Perception Levels -- Reciprocal Effects of the Corporate Reputation and Store Equity of Retailers -- Managing retail brands in the light of different local competitive contexts -- Importance of Retail Brand Equity and Store Accessibility for Store Loyalty in Local Competition -- Managing Retail Brands Within Different Retail Formats in an International Context -- A Comparison Study in Germany and Romania on the International Transfer and Perception of Retail Formats.
Marketers and retailers have to understand how to manage different consumer perception levels of retail brands, which have a major determining role on store loyalty across different complex contexts. Addressing these issues, Bettina Berg analyzes first whether corporate reputation and retail store equity have a reciprocal relationship in determining store loyalty. Second, she evaluates whether retail brand equity or store accessibility provides a greater contribution to store loyalty across different local competitive situations. Third, she investigates whether perceptions of format specific core attributes differ in their impact on the brand building process in saturated and emerging markets.   Contents n  Managing Retail Brands Across Different Consumer Perception Levels n  Reciprocal Effects of the Corporate Reputation and Store Equity of Retailers n  Managing Retail Brands in the Light of Different Local Competitive Contexts n  Importance of Retail Brand Equity and Store Accessibility for Store Loyalty in Local Competition n  Managing Retail Brands Within Different Retail Formats in an International Context n  A Comparison Study in Germany and Romania on the International Transfer and Perception of Retail Formats   Target Groups �         Researchers and students in the fields of management and economics focusing on marketing and retailing �         Business practitioners focusing on managing retail brands     The Author Dr. Bettina Berg received her doctor's degree from the University of Trier (FB IV), where she worked at the chair for Marketing and Retailing of Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Bernhard Swoboda.     The Editiors: The series Handel und Internationales Marketing/Series Retailing and International Marketing is edited by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Swoboda and Prof. Dr. Thomas Foscht.
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