Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World [electronic resource] : 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2015, Toledo, Spain, September 15-18, 2015, Proceedings / edited by Gr�ainne Conole, Tomaž Klobučar, Christoph Rensing, Johannes Konert, Elise Lavou�e.
Contributor(s): Conole, Gr�ainne [editor.] | Klobučar, Tomaž [editor.] | Rensing, Christoph [editor.] | Konert, Johannes [editor.] | Lavou�e, Elise [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Blended learning -- Self-regulated and self directed learning -- Reflective learning -- Intelligent learning systems -- Learning communities -- Learning design -- Learning analytics -- Learning assessment -- Personalization and adaptation -- Serious games -- Social media -- Massive open online courses (MOOCs).-  Schools of the future.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2015, held in Toledo, Spain, in September 2015. The 27 full papers, 19 short papers, 9 demo papers and 23 posters were carefully reviewed and selected from 176 submissions.  They address topics such as blended learning; self-regulated and self directed learning; reflective learning; intelligent learning systems; learning communities; learning design; learning analytics; learning assessment; personalization and adaptation; serious games; social media; massive open online courses (MOOCs);  schools of the future.
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