Frontier and Innovation in Future Computing and Communications [electronic resource] / edited by James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Albert Zomaya, Hwa-Young Jeong, Mohammad Obaidat.
Contributor(s): Park, James J. (Jong Hyuk) [editor.] | Zomaya, Albert [editor.] | Jeong, Hwa-Young [editor.] | Obaidat, Mohammad [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
SA-TCP: A Secure and Adaptive TCP for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks; W.S. Alnumay, et al -- IPAS: User Test Phase and Evaluation; S.Almuairfi, et al -- Coding DNA Sequence Watermarking; S.-H.Lee, et al -- Exclusive Region based Scheduling for MB-OFDM UWB using Hidden Pilot Sequences; B.W.Kim, B.-G. Kim- The Digital Video Frame Obfuscation Method in Consideration of Human Visual System for Intellectual Property Protection and Authentication; H.Bu, et al -- Fuzzy-Based Resource Reallocation Scheduling Model in Cloud Computing; J.Kim, et al -- An Efficient Algorithm for High Utility Sequential Pattern Mining; J.-Z. Wang, et al -- Simulated Annealing for the Design of Location Management System and Relation Map; S.-H. Jang, et al -- A simple, flexible and adaptable solution to enable information exchange for specific business processes; M.BI�CAK�C I, M.U. �CAKIR -- User Authentication with Distributed Cluster Formation in Wireless Sensor Networks; D.-H.Kim, et al -- Comparative Study of Cyber Security Characteristics for Nuclear Systems; J.Shin, et al -- Optical computing for digital signal process in incoherent fiber system using positive realization; K.Kim, et al -- Optimization of Non-Fuzzy Neural Networks Based on Crisp Rules in Scatter Partition; K.-J. Park, et al -- LBG-based Non-Fuzzy Inference System for Nonlinear Process; K.-J.Park, et al -- An Efficient Embedded System for the Detection and Recognition of Speed-Limit Signs; H.-L. Chen, et al -- Future Enterprise Computing Looking Into 2020; Y.-C. Fang, et al -- Implementation of a Multi-Core Prototyping System for a Video-based Fire Detection Algorithm; Y.-H. Park, et al -- A Novel Spectrum Sensing Scheme based on Wavelet Denoising with Fuzzy for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks; H. Vu-Van, I.Koo -- Accelerating a Bellman-Ford Routing Algorithm Using GPU; I.-K. Jeong, et al -- Early Fire Detection Using Multi-Stage Pattern Recognition Techniques in Video Sequences; D.Shon, et al -- Energy Efficient Backoff-Free Fragment Retransmission Fragmentation Scheme for IEEE 802.11 WLAN; P. Mafole, et al -- Fault Classification of an Induction Motor Using Texture Features of Vibration Signals; W.-C. Jang, et al -- An Efficient Audit Scheme for Cloud Storage; O. Kwon, et al -- High-Performance Cluster Estimation Using Many-Core Models; J.Seo, et al -- Dynamic Processing of Floating Continuous Query for Cold Chain Management; B.Hong, et al -- A New Approach for Task Scheduling Optimization in Mobile Cloud Computing; P.P. Hung, et al -- Study on Encryption of Wireless Network-Based Mobility Energy-Enterprise Security Management; Y.-H. Kim, et al -- Secure and Efficient Deduplication over Encrypted Data with Dynamic Updates in Cloud Storage; D. Koo, et al -- Tool Selection - a Cloud-based Approach; C.Singh, et al -- The Self-Induction System for Fuel-Efficient Driving using OBD II; W.A.Jang, et al -- Intuitive hand motion recognition and NUI/NUX framework; G. Lee, et al -- Evaluating Skin Hereditary Traits Based on Daily Activities; J. Rew, et al -- A New Fast Encoding Algorithm Based on Motion Activity for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC); J.-H. Lee, et al -- Smart Network Services using Ticket Issuance in the TSM(Trusted Software Monitor) System; S.-W.Park, J.N.Kim -- Macro Modeling Approach for Semi-Digital Smart Integrated Circuits; Z.Hoseini, et al -- Hybrid Performance with Pixel values' Transition and Curve Fitting for Improved Stereo Matching; K.Shin, et al -- ActiveSTB: Scalable Scheme over Wireless Networks; H.K.Lee, et al -- Rhythm-based Authentication Scheme on Smart Devices; J.D.Lee, et al -- Cloud Services Aided e-Tourism: in the Case of Low-Cost Airlines for Backpacking; Q. Zhou, et al -- Modified Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection of Support Vector Machines; K.-C. Lin, et al -- Using Affective Computing To Detect Emotions with Color; M.-F.Lee, et al -- Bucket Index Ordering Problem in Range Queries; T.-Y.Youn, et al -- Signal Interference of Ubiquitous Wireless Networks on Data Throughput; J.Zhang, et al -- Privacy-Preserving Data Collection with Self-Awareness Protection; K.-S.Wong, M.H. Kim -- User-Centric Security Service Model for Cloud Storage; S.M. Yoo, et al -- Continuity Labeling Technique of Multiple Face in Multiple Frame; H.-j. Kim, et al -- Audio Classification Using GA-Based Fuzzy C-Means; M.Kang , J.-M.Kim -- Anonymous Editing Prevention Method for Depth-image-based Rendering Stereoscopic Video; J.-W.Lee, et al -- Different Knowledge Modeling Approach for Clinical Decision Supporting Service in u-Health Context; J.A.Kim -- Formal Verification for Inter-Partitions Communication of RTOS supporting IMA; S.Park, G.Kwon -- 3D Face Representation using Inverse Compositional Image Alignment for Multimodal Face Recognition; K.Jeong, et al -- Simulating Synthesized Automata from Decentralized Specifications in LTL; R. Kwon, G. Kwon -- Peers-Based Location of Mobile Devices; M.Guri, et al -- Platform design for data sharing; Y.-H. Son, et al -- Reasonable Resolution of Fingerprint Wi-Fi Radio Map for Dense Map Interpolation; W. Bong, Y.C. Kim -- Sensor Based Ubiquitous Application Modeling Using Process Definition Language; S.-Y. Lee -- Smart Device Locking System provides handy and Improved Security; H.-W.Kim, Y.-S.Jeong -- A Study on the efficient management of Android Apps using a Whitelist; U.Jang, et al -- A Workflow Scheduling Technique to Consider Task Processing rate in Spot Instance-Based Cloud; D.Jung, et al -- Enhanced Beacon Scheduling of IEEE802.15.4e DSME; S.-w. Nam, K.-i. Hwang -- Building Recognition Guided by Wi-Fi Based Localization; W.Bong, Y. C. Kim -- Context Aware Based Access Control Model In Cloud Data Center Environment; Y.S. Byun, J.Kwak -- Whitelist generation technique for industrial firewall in SCADA networks; D.-H.Kang, et al -- Design of Industrial Firewall System Based on Multiple Access Control Filter; B. Kim, et al -- The Improvement for Performance of Inter-VTS Data Exchange Format Protocol in VTS System; N.Park -- Abnormal Behavior Detection Technique Based on Big Data; H. Kim, et al -- Rotational Bridge Priority Masking for building Equal-Cost Multi-Tree; C.Suh, U.Jang -- Linear SVM-based Android Malware Detection; H.-S. Ham, et al -- A Study on Authentication Mechanism to Ensure the Reliability of Content Distribution Using Log Monitoring & Encoding of OPSs; B.-S. Koh, et al -- Virtual Agent Learning for NUI/NUX-based Games; D. Jin, et al -- An Analysis of the Korea National DNS Using Big Data Technology; E. Jung, et al -- Development of Bio-signal based Continuous Intensity Wearable Input Device; J. Kim, et al -- Speaker Adaptive Real-time Korean Single Vowel Recognition for an Animation Producing; S.-M.Whang, et al -- Social Network Service Real Time Data Analysis Process Research; Y.-J. Jang, J.Kwak -- A Database Design for Pre-Ordering System Based on Prediction of Customer Arrival Time; A.Nasridinov, et al -- Behavior Execution Method for a Robot using an Online Development Approach; S. Ssin, et al -- Smart Logistics Service Model based on Context Information; K.H. Kwak, et al -- Auto-configuration of the Initial Contour using Level-set Method for Lung Segmentation on Chest CT images; S.-H. Chae, et al -- Suction based Wall Climbing Robot for Edge Movement; J. Lee, S. Kim -- Improving Data Hiding Capacity based on Hamming Code; C. Kim, C.-N. Yang -- Analysis of the Dynamic Characteristics of a Torque-Assist System Using the Model-based Design Method; K.G. Eun, K.B. Woo -- Improved Branch Prediction for Just-in-time Decompression of Canonical Hu man Bytecode Streams; C.Jeong, et al.-Effective Path Modification using Intuitive Gestures; H. Liu, et al -- DSRC based Self-Adaptive Navigation System: Aiming Spread out the Vehicles for Alleviating Traffic Congestion; H. Jeong, et al -- A Two-tier Routing Algorithm based on Geographical Zone in VANET; S.-H. Lee, S.-J. Seok -- Analysis of Vehicle Surroundings Monitoring System Based on Vehicle-to-vehicle Communication; H.Cho, B.-W. Kim -- The Energy-efficient Probabilistic Routing in MANETs; S.-H. Park, J.-R. Lee -- Functional annotation of proteins by a novel method using weight & feature selection; J. Jung, et al -- Gaze Behavior Analysis System based on Objects Using Trajectory Information; J.-M. Oh, et al -- The Crack Width Calculation Program for Structural Concrete Members Based on a Limit State Design; H.M.
Lee, et al -- Novel Real-time Automobile Detection Algorithm for Blind Spot Area; S.-H. Yang, et al -- Environment control model of intelligent plant factory using context based of sensing data; N.J. Bae, et al -- Implementation of an Integrated Log Analysis System through Statistics-based Prediction Techniques; K. Ko -- The Comparison of Pricing Schemes for Cloud Services; S.-H. Chun, et al -- Platform Design for Co-creation; S.G. Hong, et al -- Towards the Implementation of an Ubiquitous Car Park Availability Detection System; Tan Ian K.T., et al -- Improvised Classification Model for Cloud based Authentication using Keystroke Dynamics; T.S. Kumar, et al.
IT technology engineering changes everyday life, especially in Computing and Communications. The goal of this book is to further explore the theoretical and practical issues of Future Computing and Communications. It also aims to foster new ideas and collaboration between researchers and practitioners.
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