Risk Analysis and Management: Engineering Resilience [electronic resource] / by Ivo H�aring.
By: H�aring, Ivo [author.].
Contributor(s): SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Introduction, overview and acknowledgements -- Introduction to risk analysis and risk management processes -- Introduction to database analysis of terroristic events -- More elaborate database analysis -- Event analysis: initial situation and hazard source -- Hazard propagation I: Explosions -- Hazard source characterization and propagation II: fragments -- Hazard propagation III: Free field blast and complex blast: empirical-analytical expressions and scaled experiments -- Mathematical basics for damage analysis -- Damage Analysis I: Probit functions and probability distributions -- Damage Analysis II: Selection of distributions and determination of parameters -- Damage analysis III: Presented surfaces -- Risk computation and visualization -- Simple examples of risk analysis -- Risk analysis in an example of harbor security.-  Risk acceptance criteria -- Further Reading: Risk assessment, evaluation and communication -- Mitigation measures.
The book introduces basic risk concepts and then goes on to discuss risk management and analysis processes and steps. The main emphasis is on methods that fulfill the requirements of one or several risk management steps. The focus is on risk analysis methods including statistical-empirical analyses, probabilistic and parametrized models, engineering approaches and simulative methods, e.g. for fragment and blast propagation or hazard density computation. Risk management is essential for improving all resilience management steps: preparation, prevention, protection, response and recovery. The methods investigate types of event and scenario, as well as frequency, exposure, avoidance, hazard propagation, damage and risks of events. Further methods are presented for context assessment, risk visualization, communication, comparison and assessment as well as selecting mitigation measures. The processes and methods are demonstrated using detailed results and overviews of security research projects, in particular in the applications domains transport, aviation, airport security, explosive threats and urban security and safety. Topics include: sufficient control of emerging and novel hazards and risks, occupational safety, identification of minimum (functional) safety requirements, engineering methods for countering malevolent or terrorist events, security research challenges, interdisciplinary approaches to risk control and management, risk-based change and improvement management, and support of rational decision-making. The book addresses advanced bachelor students, master and doctoral students as well as scientists, researchers and developers in academia, industry, small and medium enterprises working in the emerging field of security and safety engineering.
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