Android Malware [electronic resource] / by Xuxian Jiang, Yajin Zhou.
By: Jiang, Xuxian [author.].
Contributor(s): Zhou, Yajin [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service).
Material type:
Introduction -- A Survey of Android Malware -- Case Studies -- Discussion -- Additional Reading -- Summary.
Mobile devices, such as smart phones, have achieved computing and networking capabilities comparable to traditional personal computers. Their successful consumerization has also become a source of pain for adopting users and organizations. In particular, the widespread presence of information-stealing applications and other types of mobile malware raises substantial security and privacy concerns. Android Malware presents a systematic view on state-of-the-art mobile malware that targets the popular Android mobile platform. Covering key topics like the Android malware history, malware behavior and classification, as well as, possible defense techniques.
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