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Power system protection / P.M. Anderson.

By: Anderson, P. M. (Paul M.), 1926-.
Contributor(s): John Wiley & Sons [publisher.] | IEEE Xplore (Online service) [distributor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: IEEE Press power engineering series: 4Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1999Distributor: [Piscataqay, New Jersey] : IEEE Xplore, [1998]Description: 1 PDF (xxviii, 1307 pages) : illustrations.Content type: text Media type: electronic Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780470545591.Subject(s): Electric power systems -- Protection | Acceleration | Admittance | Admittance measurement | Aluminum | Anodes | Auxiliary transmitters | Availability | Batteries | Biographies | Blades | Books | Bridge circuits | Capacitance | Capacitors | Circuit breakers | Circuit faults | Circuit stability | Coils | Companies | Conductivity | Conductors | Converters | Cooling | Copper | Couplings | Current measurement | Current transformers | Delay | Differential equations | Equations | Equivalent circuits | Face | Fault currents | Fault location | Fault trees | Fires | Foot | Fuses | Generators | Graphics | HVDC transmission | Hardware | Hazards | Impedance | Indexes | Induction motors | Inductors | Inspection | Insulators | Integrated circuit interconnections | Integrated circuit reliability | Inverters | Isolators | Lead | Limiting | Linear systems | Magnetic cores | Maintenance engineering | Markov processes | Materials | Mathematical model | Mathematics | Meteorology | Monitoring | Mutual coupling | Oil insulation | Operational amplifiers | Oscillators | Performance evaluation | Phase transformers | Poles and towers | Power system reliability | Power system stability | Power systems | Power transformer insulation | Power transmission lines | Protection | Protective relaying | Random variables | Rectifiers | Relays | Reliability | Reliability engineering | Reliability theory | Resistance | Resonant frequency | Schedules | Sections | Security | Shafts | Software reliability | Stability analysis | Stator windings | Stators | Steady-state | Stress | Substations | Switches | Switching circuits | Synchronous motors | Telecommunications | Terminology | Testing | Torque | Transient analysis | Transmission line measurements | Turbines | Valves | Voltage measurement | Voltage transformers | Windings | Wire | Wires | YttriumGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: No titleDDC classification: 621.31/7 Online resources: Abstract with links to resource Also available in print.
Preface. Acknowledgments. List of Symbols. PROTECTIVE DEVICES AND CONTROLS. Introduction. Protection Measurements and Controls. Protective Device Characteristics. Relay Logic. System Characteristics. PROTECTION CONCEPTS. Fault Protection of Radial Lines. Introduction to Transmission Protection. Complex Loci in the Z and Y Planes. Impedance at the Relay. Admittance at the Relay. TRANSMISSION PROTECTION. Analysis of Distance Protection. Transmission Line Mutual Induction. Pilot Protection Systems. Complex Transmission Protection. Series-Compensated Line Protection. APPARATUS PROTECTION. Bus Protection. Transformer and Reactor Protection. Generator Protection. Motor Protection. SYSTEM ASPECTS OF PROTECTION. Protection Against Abnormal System Frequency. Protective Schemes for Stability Enhancement. HVDC Protection. SSR Protection. RELIABILITY OF PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS. Basic Raliability Concepts. Reliability Analysis. Reliability Concepts in System Protection. Fault Tree Analysis of Protective Systems. Markov Modeling of Protective Systems. APPENDICES. Appendix A: Protection Terminology. Appendix B: Protective Device Classification. Appendix C: Overhead Line Impedances. Appendix D: Transformer Data. Appendix E: 500 kV Transmission Line Data. Index. About the Author.
Summary: "In a world of huge, interconnected networks that can be completely blacked out by disturbances, POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION offers you an improved understanding of the requirements necessary for prompt and accurate corrective action. P. M. Anderson, a noted expert on power systems, presents an analytical and technical approach to power system protection. His discussion shows how abnormal system behavior can be detected before damage occurs, and points to effective control action to limit system outages. Advance your knowledge of power system protection through a better understanding of: . Protective devices and controls. Protection concepts. Transmission protection. Apparatus protection. System aspects of protective systems. Reliability analysis of protective systems POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION is expressly written for practicing engineers and advanced graduate-level student engineers who need a comprehensive resource on the principles of power system behavior. This essential reference work provides new and advanced concepts for understanding system performance." An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley Marketing department.
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