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Microwave photonics : devices and applications / edited by Stavros Iezekiel.

Contributor(s): Iezekiel, Stavros | John Wiley & Sons [publisher.] | IEEE Xplore (Online service) [distributor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Wiley - iee: Publisher: Chichester, U.K. ; Wiley, 2009Distributor: [Piscataqay, New Jersey] : IEEE Xplore, [2009]Description: 1 PDF (xviii, 342 pages) : illustrations.Content type: text Media type: electronic Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780470744857.Subject(s): Microwave devices | Photonics | Electrooptics | Optoelectronics | Absorption | Acoustics | Base stations | Biomedical optical imaging | Broadband communication | Free electron lasers | Gas lasers | High speed optical techniques | Impedance | Indexes | Laser applications | Laser noise | Laser tuning | Masers | Microwave communication | Microwave devices | Microwave measurements | Microwave photonics | Optical attenuators | Optical device fabrication | Optical distortion | Optical fiber communication | Optical fibers | Optical imaging | Optical mixing | Optical modulation | Optical polarization | Optical pulses | Optical receivers | Optical sensors | Optical signal processing | Oscillators | Photoconductivity | Photodetectors | Photodiodes | Photonics | Power transmission lines | Quantum cascade lasers | RF signals | Radio frequency | Radio network | Ultrafast optics | Wavelength division multiplexing | Wireless networksGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: No titleDDC classification: 621.381/3 Online resources: Abstract with links to resource Also available in print.
List of Contributors. -- Preface. -- List of Acronyms. -- Part I Introduction to Microwave Photonics. -- 1 Microwave Photonics - an Introductory Overview (Stavros Iezekiel). -- Part II Component Technologies. -- 2 Direct Modulation for Microwave Photonics (Rajeev Ram and Harry Lee). -- 3 High-power Distributed Photodetectors for RF Photonic Applications (Sagi Mathai and Ming C. Wu). -- 4 Photonic Oscillators for THz Signal Generation (Andreas StŠohr and Dieter JŠoger). -- 5 Terahertz Sources (R. E. Miles and M. Naftaly). -- Part III Systems Applications. -- 6 Analogue Microwave Fibre-optic Link Design (Edward I. Ackerman and Charles H. Cox, III). -- 7 Fibre Radio Technology (Dalma Novak, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Christina Lim, and Rod Waterhouse). -- 8 Microwave Photonic Signal Processing (Jos�e Capmany, Jos�e Mora, Daniel Pastor, Beatriz Ortega, and Salvador Sales). -- 9 RF and Microwave Photonics in Biomedical Applications (Afshin S. Daryoush). -- 10 Characterization of Microwave Photonic Components (Stavros Iezekiel). -- Index.
Summary: Microwave photonics is an important interdisciplinary field that, amongst a host of other benefits, enables engineers to implement new functions in microwave systems. With contributions from leading experts, Microwave Photonics: Devices and Applications explores this rapidly developing discipline. It bridges a gap between microwave and photonic engineering, providing an accessible interpretation of the current available research material and a detailed introduction to various aspects of the area. Opening with an overview to the subject, this book covers direct modulation, photonic oscillators for THz signal generation, and terahertz sources. It takes a unique application- focused approach and describes: . analogue fibre-optic links;. fibre radio technology;. microwave photonic signal processing;. measurement of microwave photonic components, and;. biomedical applications. This text is ideal for practising microwave and fibre optics communication engineers wishing to improve their knowledge, and for researchers and graduate students wanting an overview of the subject.
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