Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio 2017 / Benjamin Perkins, Jacob Vibe Hammer and Jon D. Reid.
By: Perkins, Benjamin [author.]
Contributor(s): Hammer, Jacob Vibe [author.]
| Reid, Jon D [author.]
Material type: 

Online resource; title from PDF title page (EBSCO, viewed March 27, 2018).
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; About the Authors; About the Technical Editor; Credits; Acknowledgments; Contents; Introduction; Who This Book is for; What This Book Covers; How This Book is Structured; The C# Language (Chapters 1-13); Windows Programming (Chapters 14-15); Cloud and Cross-Platform Programming (Chapters 16-19); Data Access (Chapters 20-23); Additional Techniques (Chapters 24-25); What you Need to use This Book; Conventions; Source Code; Errata; Part I: The C# Language; Chapter 1: Introducing C#; What is the .NET Framework?; What's in the .NET Framework?
.NET Standard and .NET CoreWriting Applications Using the .NET Framework and .NET Core; CIL and JIT; Assemblies; Managed Code; Garbage Collection; Fitting it Together; Linking; What Is C#?; Applications You Can Write with C#; C# in this Book; Visual Studio 2017; Visual Studio 2017 Products; Solutions; Chapter 2: Writing a C# Program; The Visual Studio 2017 Development Environment; Console Applications; The Solution Explorer; The Properties Window; The Error List Window; Desktop Applications; Chapter 3: Variables and Expressions; Basic C# Syntax; Basic C# Console Application Structure.
VariablesSimple Types; Variable Naming; Literal Values; Binary Literals and Digit Separators; String Literals; Expressions; Mathematical Operators; Assignment Operators; Operator Precedence; Namespaces; Chapter 4: Flow Control; Boolean Logic; Boolean Bitwise and Assignment Operators; Operator Precedence Updated; Branching; The Ternary Operator; The if Statement; Checking More Conditions Using if Statements; The switch Statement; Looping; do Loops; while Loops; for Loops; Interrupting Loops; Infinite Loops; Chapter 5: More about Variables; Type Conversion; Implicit Conversions.
Explicit ConversionsExplicit Conversions Using the Convert Commands; Complex Variable Types; Enumerations; Defining Enumerations; Structs; Defining Structs; Arrays; Declaring Arrays; foreach Loops; Pattern Matching with switch case expression; Multidimensional Arrays; Arrays of Arrays; String Manipulation; Chapter 6: Functions; Defining and Using Functions; Return Values; Parameters; Parameter Matching; Parameter Arrays; Reference and Value Parameters; Out Parameters; Tuples; Variable Scope; Variable Scope in Other Structures; Parameters and Return Values versus Global Data; Local Functions.
The Main() FunctionStruct Functions; Overloading Functions; Using Delegates; Chapter 7: Debugging and Error Handling; Debugging in Visual Studio; Debugging in Nonbreak (Normal) Mode; Outputting Debugging Information; Tracepoints; Diagnostics Output Versus Tracepoints; Debugging in Break Mode; Entering Break Mode; Monitoring Variable Content; Stepping through Code; Immediate and Command Windows; The Call Stack Window; Error Handling; try ... catch ... finally; Throw Expressions; Listing and Configuring Exceptions; Chapter 8: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming.
Written in a friendly, mentor-style fashion, with each chapter building on previous ones, this book is full of helpful hints, tips, exercises, and full-fledged example code, and will teach you about all aspects of C# programming quickly and easily. -- Edited summary from book.
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