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The chemistry of membranes used in fuel cells / edited by Shulamith Schlick.

Contributor(s): Schlick, Shulamith [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, [2018]Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781119196082; 1119196086; 9781119196075; 1119196078.Subject(s): Fuel cells -- Materials | Membranes (Technology) | Polymers -- Deterioration | TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING -- Mechanical | Fuel cells -- Materials | Membranes (Technology) | Polymers -- DeteriorationGenre/Form: Electronic books. | Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Chemistry of membranes used in fuel cells.DDC classification: 621.31/2429 Online resources: Wiley Online Library
The evolution of fuel cells and their components -- Degradation mechanism of perfluorinated membranes -- Ranking the stability of perfluorinated membranes to attack by hydroxyl radicals -- Stabilization of perfluorinated membranes using Ce3+ and Mn2+ redox scavengers: mechanism and applications -- Hydrocarbon proton exchange membranes -- Stabilization of perfluorinated membranes using nanoparticle additives -- Degradation mechanism in aquivion perfluorinated membranes and stabilization strategies -- Anion exchange membrane: stability and synthetic approach -- Profiling of membrane degradation processes in a fuel cell by 2D spectral-spatial FTIR -- Quantum mechanical calculation of the degradation in perfluorinated membranes used in fuel cells.
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