MOS devices for low-voltage and low-energy applications [electronic resource] / Yasuhisa Omura, Abhijit Mallik, and Naoto Matsuo.
By: Omura, Y. (Yasuhisa) [author.]
Contributor(s): Mallik, Abhijit [author.]
| Matsuo, N. (Naoto) [author.]
Material type: 

INTRODUCTION TO LOW-VOLTAGE AND LOW-ENERGY DEVICES. Why Are Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Devices Desired? -- History of Low-Voltage and Low-Power Devices -- Performance Prospects of Subthreshold Logic Circuits -- SUMMARY OF PHYSICS OF MODERN SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES. Overview -- Bulk MOSFET -- SOI MOSFET -- Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors (TFETs) -- POTENTIAL OF CONVENTIONAL BULK MOSFETs. Performance Evaluation of Analog Circuits with Deep Submicrometer MOSFETs in the Subthreshold Regime of Operation -- Impact of Halo Doping on the Subthreshold Performance of Deep-Submicrometer CMOS Devices and Circuits for Ultralow Power Analog/Mixed-Signal Applications -- Study of the Subthreshold Performance and the Effect of Channel Engineering on Deep Submicron Single-Stage CMOS Amplifiers -- Subthreshold Performance of Dual-Material Gate CMOS Devices and Circuits for Ultralow Power Analog/Mixed-Signal Applications -- Performance Prospect of Low-Power Bulk MOSFETs -- POTENTIAL OF FULLY-DEPLETED SOI MOSFETs. Demand for High-Performance SOI Devices -- Demonstration of 100 nm Gate SOI CMOS with a Thin Buried Oxide Layer and its Impact on Device Technology -- Discussion on Design Feasibility and Prospect of High-Performance Sub-50 nm Channel Single-Gate SOI MOSFET Based on the ITRS Roadmap -- Performance Prospects of Fully Depleted SOI MOSFET-Based Diodes Applied to Schenkel Circuits for RF-ID Chips -- The Potential and the Drawbacks of Underlap Single-Gate Ultrathin SOI MOSFET -- Practical Source/Drain Diffusion and Body Doping Layouts for High-Performance and Low-Energy Triple-Gate SOI MOSFETs -- Gate Field Engineering and Source/Drain Diffusion Engineering for High-Performance Si Wire Gate-All-Around MOSFET and Low-Power Strategy in a Sub-30 nm-Channel Regime -- Impact of Local High-k Insulator on Drivability and Standby Power of Gate-All-Around SOI MOSFET -- POTENTIAL OF PARTIALLY DEPLETED SOI MOSFETs. Proposal for Cross-Current Tetrode (XCT) SOI MOSFETs -- Device Model of the XCT-SOI MOSFET and Scaling Scheme -- Low-Power Multivoltage Reference Circuit Using XCT-SOI MOSFET -- Low-Energy Operation Mechanisms for XCT-SOI CMOS Devices -- QUANTUM EFFECTS AND APPLICATIONS - 1. Overview -- Si Resonant Tunneling MOS Transistor -- Tunneling Dielectric Thin-Film Transistor -- Proposal for a Tunnel-Barrier Junction (TBJ) MOSFET -- Performance Prediction of SOI Tunneling-Barrier-Junction MOSFET -- Physics-Based Model for TBJ-MOSFETs and High-Frequency Performance Prospects -- Low-Power High-Temperature-Operation-Tolerant (HTOT) SOI MOSFET -- QUANTUM EFFECTS AND APPLICATIONS - 2. Overview of Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor -- Impact of a Spacer Dielectric and a Gate Overlap/Underlap on the Device Performance of a Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor -- The Impact of a Fringing Field on the Device Performance of a P-Channel Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor with a High-k Gate Dielectric -- Impact of a Spacer-Drain Overlap on the Characteristics of a Silicon Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor Based on Vertical Tunneling -- Gate-on-Germanium Source Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor Enabling Sub-0.5-V Operation -- PROSPECTS OF LOW-ENERGY DEVICE TECHNOLOLGY AND APPLICATIONS. Performance Comparison of Modern Devices -- Emerging Device Technology and the Future of MOSFET -- How Devices Are and Should Be Applied to Circuits -- Prospects for Low-Energy Device Technology and Applications.
Incldues bibliographical references and index.
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