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Handbook of structural life assessment / Raouf A. Ibrahim.

By: Ibrahim, R. A, 1940- [author.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2017Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781119135470; 1119135478.Subject(s): Structural analysis (Engineering) | Fracture mechanics | Materials -- Fatigue | Service life (Engineering) | TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING -- Civil -- General | Fracture mechanics | Materials -- Fatigue | Service life (Engineering) | Structural analysis (Engineering)Genre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Handbook of structural life assessment.DDC classification: 624.1/7 Online resources: Wiley Online Library
Fundamentals of fracture mechanics -- Applications of fracture mechanics -- Dynamic fracture and peridynamics -- Structural health monitoring : basic ingredients and sensors -- Statistical pattern recognition and vibration-based techniques -- Fatigue life and reliability assessment -- Structural reliability and risk assessment under extreme loading -- Corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement -- Joints and weldments -- Crack control.
Summary: This important, self-contained reference deals with structural life assessment (SLA) and structural health monitoring (SHM) in a combined form. SLA periodically evaluates the state and condition of a structural system and provides recommendations for possible maintenance actions or the end of structural service life. It is a diversified field and relies on the theories of fracture mechanics, fatigue damage process, and reliability theory. For common structures, their life assessment is not only governed by the theory of fracture mechanics and fatigue damage process, but by other factors such as corrosion, grounding, and sudden collision. On the other hand, SHM deals with the detection, prediction, and location of crack development online. Both SLA and SHM are combined in a unified and coherent treatment.
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