Durability of fiber-reinforced polymers / Yasushi Miyano, Masayuki Nakada.
By: Miyano, Yasushi [author.]
Contributor(s): Nakada, Masayuki [author.]
Material type: 

Viscoelasticity -- Master Curves of Viscoelastic Coefficients of Matrix Resin -- Nondestructive Mechanical Properties of FRP -- Static and Fatigue Strengths of FRP -- Formulation of Static Strength of FRP -- Formulation of Fatigue Strength of FRP -- Formulation of Creep Strength of FRP -- Application 1: Static Strengths in Various Load Directions of Unidirectional CFRP Under Water Absorption Condition -- Application 2: Static and Fatigue Flexural Strengths of Various FRP Laminates Under Water Absorption Condition -- Application 3: Life Prediction of CFRP/Metal Bolted Joint -- Application 4: Life Prediction of CFRP Structures Based on MMF/ATM Method -- Effect of Physical Aging on the Creep Deformation of an Epoxy Resin -- Reliable Test Method for Tensile Strength in Longitudinal Direction of Unidirectional CFRP.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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