Design and analysis of composite structures for automotive applications : chassis and drivetrain / Vladimir Kobelev, Department of Natural Sciences, University of Siegen, Germany.
By: Kobelev, Vladimir [author.]
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Foreword; Series Preface; List of Symbols and Abbreviations; Introduction; About the Companion Website; Chapter 1 Elastic Anisotropic Behavior of Composite Materials; 1.1 Anisotropic Elasticity of Composite Materials; 1.1.1 Fourth Rank Tensor Notation of Hooke's Law; 1.1.2 Voigt's Matrix Notation of Hooke's Law; 1.1.3 Kelvin's Matrix Notation of Hooke's Law; 1.2 Unidirectional Fiber Bundle; 1.2.1 Components of a Unidirectional Fiber Bundle; 1.2.2 Elastic Properties of a Unidirectional Fiber Bundle
1.2.3 Effective Elastic Constants of Unidirectional Composites1.3 Rotational Transformations of Material Laws, Stress and Strain; 1.3.1 Rotation of Fourth Rank Elasticity Tensors; 1.3.2 Rotation of Elasticity Matrices in Voigt's Notation; 1.3.3 Rotation of Elasticity Matrices in Kelvin's Notation; 1.4 Elasticity Matrices for Laminated Plates; 1.4.1 Voigt's Matrix Notation for Anisotropic Plates; 1.4.2 Rotation of Matrices in Voigt's Notation; 1.4.3 Kelvin's Matrix Notation for Anisotropic Plates; 1.4.4 Rotation of Matrices in Kelvin's Notation; 1.5 Coupling Effects of Anisotropic Laminates
1.5.1 Orthotropic Laminate Without Coupling1.5.2 Anisotropic Laminate Without Coupling; 1.5.3 Anisotropic Laminate With Coupling; 1.5.4 Coupling Effects in Laminated Thin-Walled Sections; 1.6 Conclusions; References; Chapter 2 Phenomenological Failure Criteria of Composites; 2.1 Phenomenological Failure Criteria; 2.1.1 Criteria for Static Failure Behavior; 2.1.2 Stress Failure Criteria for Isotropic Homogenous Materials; 2.1.3 Phenomenological Failure Criteria for Composites; 2.1.4 Phenomenological Criteria Without Stress Coupling; Criterion of Maximum Averaged Stresses Criterion of Maximum Averaged Strains2.1.5 Phenomenological Criteria with Stress Coupling; Mises-Hill Anisotropic Failure Criterion; Pressure-Sensitive Mises-Hill Anisotropic Failure Criterion; Tensor-Polynomial Failure Criterion; Tsai-Wu Criterion; Assessment of Coefficients in Tensor-Polynomial Criteria; 2.2 Differentiating Criteria; 2.2.1 Fiber and Intermediate Break Criteria; 2.2.2 Hashin Strength Criterion; 2.2.3 Delamination Criteria; 2.3 Physically Based Failure Criteria; 2.3.1 Puck Criterion; 2.3.2 Cuntze Criterion
2.4 Rotational Transformation of Anisotropic Failure Criteria2.5 Conclusions; References; Chapter 3 Micromechanical Failure Criteria of Composites; 3.1 Pullout of Fibers from the Elastic-Plastic Matrix; 3.1.1 Axial Tension of Fiber and Matrix; 3.1.2 Shear Stresses in Matrix Cylinders; 3.1.3 Coupled Elongation of Fibers and Matrix; 3.1.4 Failures in Matrix and Fibers; Equations for Mean Axial Displacements of Fibers and Matrix; Solutions of Equations for Mean Axial Displacements of Fibers and Matrix; 3.1.5 Rupture of Matrix and Pullout of Fibers from Crack Edges in a Matrix
A design reference for engineers developing composite components for automotive chassis, suspension, and drivetrain applications This book provides a theoretical background for the development of elements of car suspensions. It begins with a description of the elastic-kinematics of the vehicle and closed form solutions for the vertical and lateral dynamics. It evaluates the vertical, lateral, and roll stiffness of the vehicle, and explains the necessity of the modelling of the vehicle stiffness. The composite materials for the suspension and powertrain design are discussed and their mechanical properties are provided. The book also looks at the basic principles for the design optimization using composite materials and mass reduction principles. Additionally, references and conclusions are presented in each chapter. Design and Analysis of Composite Structures for Automotive Applications: Chassis and Drivetrain offers complete coverage of chassis components made of composite materials and covers elastokinematics and component compliances of vehicles. It looks at parts made of composite materials such as stabilizer bars, wheels, half-axes, springs, and semi-trail axles. The book also provides information on leaf spring assembly for motor vehicles and motor vehicle springs comprising composite materials.-Covers the basic principles for the design optimization using composite materials and mass reduction principles -Evaluates the vertical, lateral, and roll stiffness of the vehicle, and explains the modelling of the vehicle stiffness -Discusses the composite materials for the suspension and powertrain design -Features closed form solutions of problems for car dynamics explained in details and illustrated pictorially Design and Analysis of Composite Structures for Automotive Applications: Chassis and Drivetrain is recommended primarily for engineers dealing with suspension design and development, and those who graduated from automotive or mechanical engineering courses in technical high school, or in other higher engineering schools.
Description based on online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on August 06, 2019).
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