High-density and de-densified smart campus communications : technologies, integration, implementation and applications / Daniel Minoli, Jo-Anne Dressendofer.
By: Minoli, Daniel [author.]
Contributor(s): Dressendofer, Jo-Anne [author.]
Material type: 

Includes bibliographical references and index.
"High-density campus communications have traditionally been important in many environments, including airports; stadiums; convention centers; shopping malls; classrooms; hospitals; cruise ships; train and subway stations; evangelical megachurches; large multiple dwelling units; boardwalks; (special events in) parks; dense smart cities; and other venues. These communications span several domains: people-to-people, people-to-websites, people-to-applications, sensors-to-cloud analytics, and machines-to-machines/device-to-device. While the later Internet of Things (IoT) applications are generally (but not always) low speed, the former applications are typically high-speed. In many settings, people access videos (a la Over The Top [OTT] mode) or websites and applications that often include short videos or other high data-rate content. Deploying optimally-performing high-density campus communication systems is desired and required in many cases, but it can, at the same time, be a complex task to undertake successfully."-- Provided by publisher.
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PREFACE -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- ACRONYMS -- SYMBOLS -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Solar Energy -- 1.2 Diverse Solar Energy Applications -- 1.3 Global PV Power Plants -- 1.4 Perspective of PV Power Plants -- 1.5 A Review on the Design of Large-Scale PV Power Plant -- 1.6 Outline of the Book -- References -- 2 Design Requirements -- 2.1 Overview -- 2.2 Development Phases -- 2.3 Project Predesign -- 2.4 Project Detailed Design -- 2.5 The Main Components Required for Realizing an LS-PVPP -- 2.6 An Overview of PV Technologies -- 2.7 Solar Inverter Topologies Overview -- 2.8 Solar Panel Mounting -- 2.9 Solar Panel Tilt -- 2.10 Solar Tracking System -- References -- 3 Feasibility Studies -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Preliminary Feasibility Studies -- 3.3 Technical Feasibility Study -- 3.4 Environmental Feasibility -- 3.5 Social Feasibility -- 3.6 Economic Feasibility -- 3.7 Timing Feasibility -- 3.8 Summary -- References -- 4 Grid Connection Studies -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Introducing Topics of Grid Connection Studies -- 4.3 Modeling of Grid and PV Power Plants -- 4.4 Summary -- References -- 5 Solar Resource and Irradiance -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Radiometric Terms -- 5.3 Solar Resources -- 5.4 Solar Energy Radiation on Panels -- 5.5 Solar Azimuth and Altitude Angle -- 5.6 Tilt Angle and Orientation -- 5.7 Shadow Distances and Row Spacing -- References -- 6 Large-Scale PV Plant Design Overview -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Classification of LSPVPP Engineering Documents -- 6.3 Roadmap Proposal for LSPVPP Design -- 6.4 Conclusion -- References -- 7 PV Power Plant DC Side Design -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 DC Side Design Methodology -- 7.3 PV Modules Selection -- 7.4 Inverter Selection -- 7.5 PV Modules Number -- 7.6 Size of PV Plant DC Side -- 7.7 DC Cables -- 7.8 DC Box Combiner -- 7.9 String Diode -- 7.10 Fuse -- 7.11 Surge Arrester -- 7.12 DC Switch -- 7.13 Conclusion -- Note -- References -- 8 PV System Losses and Energy Yield -- 8.1. Introduction -- 8.2. PV System Losses -- 8.3. Energy Yield Prediction -- 8.4. Conclusion -- References.
Wiley Frontlist Obook All English 2021
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