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Security and privacy in the Internet of things : architectures, techniques, and applications / edited by Ali Ismail Awad, Jemal Abawajy.

Contributor(s): Awad, Ali Ismail [editor.] | Abawajy, Jemal H, 1982- [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-IEEE Press, [2022]Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781119607755; 9781119607779; 1119607779; 9781119607762; 1119607760; 1119607752.Uniform titles: Security and privacy in the Internet of things (Wiley-IEEE Press) Subject(s): Internet of things -- Security measures | Data protection | Data protectionGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Security and privacy in the Internet of thingsDDC classification: 005.8 Online resources: Wiley Online Library
Advanced attacks and protection mechanisms in IoT devices and networks -- Human aspects of IoT security and privacy -- Applying zero trust security principles to defence mechanisms against data exfiltration attacks -- eSIM-based authentication protocol for UAV remote identification -- Collaborative intrusion detection in the era of IoT : recent advances and challenges -- Cyber-securing IoT infrastructure by modeling network traffic -- Integrity of IoT network flow records in encrypted traffic analytics -- Securing contemporary eHealth architectures : techniques and methods -- Security and privacy of smart homes : issues and solutions -- IoT hardware-based security : a generalized review of threats and countermeasures.
Summary: "The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm due to extensive developments in information and communication technology (ICT). The purpose of IoT is to expand the functions of the first version of the Internet by increasing the ability to connect numerous objects. The wide facilities offered by IoT and other sensing facilities, have led to a huge amount of data generated from versatile domains, thus, information security has become inevitable requirement not only for personal safety, but also for assuring the sustainability of the IoT paradigm itself"-- Provided by publisher.
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