Knowledge discovery from sensor data / edited by Auroop R. Ganguly. [et al.].
Contributor(s): Ganguly, Auroop R
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Probabilistic framework for mining distributed sensory data under data sharing constraints / Joydeep Ghosh -- General framework for mining massive data streams / Pedro Domingos and Geoff Hulten -- Sensor network data model for the discovery of spatio-temporal patterns / Betsy George, James M. Kang, and Shashi Shekhar -- Requirements for clustering streaming sensors / Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, Joao Gama, and Luis Lopes -- Principal component aggregation for energy-efficient information extraction in wireless sensor networks / Yann-Ael Le Borgne, Jean-Michel Dricot, and Gianluca Bontempi -- Anomaly detection in transportation corridors using manifold embedding / Amrudin Agovic. [et al.] -- Fusion of vision inertial data for automatic georeferencing / Duminda I. B. Randeniya, Manjriker Gunaratne, and Sudeep Sarkar -- Electricity load forecast using data streams techniques / Joao Gama and Pedro Pereira Rodriques -- Missing event prediction in sensor data streams using Kalman filters / Nithya N. Vijayakumar and Beth Plale -- Mining temporal relations in smart environment data using TempAl / Vikramaditya R. Jakkula and Diane J. Cook.
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