A Brief Survey of Quantitative EEG.
By: Majumdar, Kaushik
Material type: 
""Cover""; ""Half Title ""; ""Series Page ""; ""Title Page ""; ""Copyright Page ""; ""Dedication ""; ""Table of Contents ""; ""Preface ""; ""Acknowledgments ""; ""Chapter 1: Neurophysiology of the Human Scalp EEG ""; ""1.1 Neural Basis of EEG ""; ""1.1.1 Dipole Source Model ""
""1.1.2 Distributed Source Model """"1.2 Tissue Impedance ""; ""1.3 Artifacts ""; ""1.3.1 Physiologic Artifacts ""; ""1.3.2 Extraphysiologic Artifacts ""; ""1.4 Electrode Placement Systems ""; ""1.4.1 10â#x80;#x93;20 System ""; ""1.4.2 10â#x80;#x93;10 System ""; ""1.5 Noise ""; ""1.6 Data Representation ""
""1.7 Frequency Bands """"1.7.1 Delta ""; ""1.7.2 Theta ""; "" Alpha ""; "" Mu ""; ""1.7.3 Beta ""; ""1.7.4 Gamma ""; ""References ""; ""Chapter 2: Preprocessing ""; ""2.1 Filtering ""; ""2.1.1 Impulse Response Filter ""; ""2.1.2 Butterworth Low-Pass Filter ""
""2.1.3 Gaussian Low-Pass Filter """"2.1.4 Band-Pass Filter ""; ""2.2 Decomposition Techniques ""; ""2.2.1 Principal Component Analysis ""; ""2.2.2 Independent Component Analysis ""; ""2.2.3 Gist of PCA and ICA Comparison ""; ""References ""; ""Chapter 3: Source Localization ""
""3.1 Forward Problem """"3.1.1 Boundary Element Method ""; "" Dipole Source Model ""; "" Distributed Source Model ""; ""3.1.2 Finite Element Method ""; ""3.1.3 Finite Difference Method ""; "" iFDM ""; "" aFDM ""; ""3.1.4 Comparison among Methods ""
""3.2 Inverse Problem ""
"This book presents a holistic approach to quantitative EEG from its neurological basis to simultaneous EEG and fMRI studies. Equal emphasis is given to major mathematical and statistical theories and computational techniques and their applications on clinical and laboratory experimental EEG. "--Provided by publisher.
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