Geothermal, wind and solar energy applications in agriculture and aquaculture / editors: Jochen Bundschuh, Guangnan Chen, D. Chandrasekharam, Janusz Piechocki.
Contributor(s): Bundschuh, Jochen [editor.]
| Chandrasekharam, D [editor.]
| Chen, Guangnan [editor.]
| Piechocki, Janusz [editor.]
Material type: 

chapter 1 Solar, wind and geothermal energy applications in agriculture: back to the future? / Jochen Bundschuh, Guangnan Chen, Barbara Tomaszewska, Noreddine Ghaffour, Shahbaz Mushtaq, Ihsan Hamawand, Kathryn Reardon-Smith, Tek Maraseni, Thomas Banhazi, Hacene Mahmoudi, Mattheus Goosen and Diogenes L. Antille -- chapter 2 Agriculture sector modernization and renewable energy development: perspectives from developing countries / Robert K. Dixon and Ming Yang -- chapter 3 Linking food and nutrition security, urban and peri-urban agriculture, and sustainable energy use: experiences from South America / Deborah Hines and Sarah Balistreri -- chapter 4 Renewable energy use for aquaponics development on a global scale towards sustainable food production / Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir, Daniel Coaten, Edoardo Pantanella, Charlie Shultz, Henk Stander and Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir -- chapter 5 Renewable energy use and potential in remote central Australia / Yiheyis Maru, Supriya Mathew, Digby Race and Bruno Spandonide -- chapter 6 Opportunities of adopting renewable energy for the nursery industry in Australia / Guangnan Chen, Erik Schmidt, Tek Maraseni, Jochen Bundschuh, Thomas Banhazi and Diogenes L. Antille -- chapter 7 Fundamentals of solar energy / Maciej Klein, Kamil Lapin´ski, Katarzyna Siuzdak and Adam Cenian -- chapter 8 Renewable energy technologies for greenhouses in semi-arid climates / Francisco Javier Cabrera, Jorge Antonio Sanchez-Molina, Guillermo Zaragoza, Manuel Perez-Garcia and Francisco Rodriguez-Diaz -- chapter 9 Solar photocatalytic disinfection of water for reuse in irrigation / Pilar Fernandez-Ibanez, Maria Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Sixto Malato, Alba Ruiz-Aguirre and Guillermo Zaragoza -- chapter 10 Solar PV for water pumping and irrigation / Istvan Patay, Istvan Seres and Jochen Bundschuh -- chapter 11 Solar drying / Om Prakash, Anil Kumar and Atul Sharma -- chapter 12 Small-scale wind power energy systems for use in agriculture and similar applications / Wojciech Miskowski, Krzysztof Nalepa, Pawel Pietkiewicz and Janusz Piechocki -- chapter 13 Windmills for water pumping, irrigation and drainage / Istvan Patay and Norbert Schrempf -- chapter 14 Lakes as a heat source for heat pumps - a model study to determine the ecological impact of summer heat transfer / Renata Brzozowska, Maciej Neugebauer and Janusz Piechocki.
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