Low temperature materials and mechanisms / edited by Yosef Bar-Cohen.
Contributor(s): Bar-Cohen, Yoseph [editor.]
Material type: 

1. Introduction to low temperature materials and mechanisms / Yoseph Bar-Cohen and Ray Radebaugh -- 2. Chemistry, thermodynamics, and material processes at low temperatures / Murthy Gudipati -- 3. Solids and fluids at low temperatures / Steve Vance, Thomas Loerting, Josef Stern, Matt Kropf, Baptiste Journaux, Corey Jamieson, Morgan L. Cable, and Olivier Bollengier -- 4. Characterization methods for low temperature materials / Yoseph Bar-Cohen, W. Kinzy Jones, and Robert Cormia -- 5. NDE and structural health monitoring for low temperature applications / Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Victor Sloan, Terry D. Rolin, and Tom Guettinger -- 6. Refrigeration systems for achieving cryogenic temperatures / Ronald G. Ross, Jr. -- 7. Cryogenic piezoelectric materials for transducer applications / Shujun Zhang, Hyeong Jae Lee, Xiaoning Jiang, Wenbin Huang, Stewart Sherrit, and Matthew M. Kropf -- 8. Low temperature motors and actuators : design considerations and a case study / Joe Flynn and Yoseph Bar-Cohen -- 9. Sample handling and instruments for the in situ exploration of ice-rich planets / Julie C. Castillo, Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Steve Vance, Mathieu Choukroun, Hyeong Jae Lee, Xiaoqi Bao, Mircea Badescu, Stewart Sherrit, Melissa G. Trainer, and Stephanie A. Getty -- 10. Drilling and breaking ice / Kris Zacny, Gale Paulsen, Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Xiaoqi Bao, Mircea Badescu, Hyeong Jae Lee, Stewart Sherrit, Victor Zagorodnov, Lonnie Thompson, and Pavel Talalay -- 11. Medicine and biology : technologies operating at extremely low temperatures / Alasdair G. Kay and Lilia L. Kuleshova -- 12. Low temperature electronics / Nathan Valentine and Patrick McCluskey -- 13. A cryogenic axion dark matter experiment (ADMX/ADMX-HF) / Gianpaolo Carosi and Karl van Bibber -- 14. Low temperature materials and mechanisms : applications and challenges / Ray Radebaugh and Yoseph Bar-Cohen -- 15. Safety considerations when working with cryogenic liquids / Mimi Ton.
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