Wave propagation in materials and structures / Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan.
By: Gopalakrishnan, S. (Srinivasan) [author.]
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chapter 1. Introduction -- chapter 2. Local and nonlocal elasticity : introductory concepts -- chapter 3. Introduction to the theory of composites and functionally graded materials -- chapter 4. Introduction to integral transforms -- chapter 5. Introduction to wave propagation -- chapter 6. Wave propagation in onedimensional isotropic structural waveguides -- chapter 7. Wave propagation in twodimensional isotropic waveguides -- chapter 8. Wave propagation in laminated composites -- chapter 9. Wave propagation in sandwich structural waveguides -- chapter 10. Wave propagation in functionally graded material waveguides -- chapter 11. Wave propagation in nanostructures and nanocomposite structures -- chapter 12. Finite element method for wave propagation problems -- chapter 13. Spectral finite element formulation -- chapter 14. Wave propagation in smart composite structures -- chapter 15. Wave propagation in defective waveguides -- chapter 16. Wave propagation in periodic waveguides -- chapter 17. Wave propagation in uncertain waveguides -- chapter 18. Wave propagation in hyperelastic waveguides.
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