Fuzzy differential equations and applications for engineers and scientists / S. Chakraverty, Smita Tapaswini, Diptiranjan Behera.
By: Chakraverty, Snehashish [author.]
Contributor(s): Tapaswini, Smita [author.]
| Behera, D. (Diptiranjan) [author.]
Material type: 

chapter 1. Preliminaries of fuzzy set theory -- chapter 2. Basic concepts of fuzzy and fuzzy fractional differential equations -- chapter 3. Analytical methods of fuzzy differential equations -- chapter 4. Numerical methods for fuzzy ordinary and partial differential equations -- chapter 5. Application of numerical methods to fuzzy ordinary differential equations -- chapter 6. Fuzzy structural problems -- chapter 7. Fuzzy vibration equations of large membranes -- chapter 8. Nonprobabilistic uncertainty analysis of the forest fire model -- chapter 9. Fuzzy inverse heat conduction problems -- chapter 10. The fuzzy fractional Klein-Gordon equation.
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