Heat and mass transfer in drying of porous media / editors, Peng Xu, Agus P. Sasmito, and Arun S. Mujumdar.
Contributor(s): Xu, Peng [editor.]
| Sasmito, Agus P [editor.]
| Mujumdar, Arun S [editor.]
Material type: 

Cover; Half Title; Series Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Contributors; Editors; Chapter 1: Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in Porous Media -- Application to Drying; CONTENTS; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. Drying Models; 1.2.1. Liquid Diffusion Model; 1.2.2. Variations of the Diffusion Model; 1.3. Porous Media Model; 1.3.1. Single-Phase Flow through Porous Media; 1.3.2. Multiphase Flow through Porous Media; Single-Fluid Model; Multi-Fluid Model; 1.3.3. Conjugate Models; Convective Drying; Microwave Drying Electrohydrodynamic Drying1.4. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 2: Diffusivity in Drying of Porous Media; CONTENTS; 2.1. Introduction to Drying Technology and Porous Media; 2.1.1. Drying Technology; Natural Sun Drying and Solar Drying; Hot-Air Drying; Osmotic Dehydration; Freeze Drying; Hybrid Drying/Combined Drying; 2.1.2. Drying of Porous Media; Drying Porous Media (Fruits); Drying of Porous Media (Coal); Drying of Porous Media (Foods and Vegetables); Drying of Porous Media (Woods) Drying of Porous Media (Ceramic)2.2. Diffusion during Drying of Porous Media; 2.2.1. Fick's First and Second Law; 2.2.2. Moisture and Thermal Diffusion; 2.3. Diffusion Models in Drying of Porous Media; 2.4. Conclusions; References; Chapter 3: Multiscale Modeling of Porous Media; CONTENTS; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. Fractal Models for Heat and Mass Transfer; 3.2.1. Heat Transfer; 3.2.2. Gas Diffusion; 3.2.3. Fluid Flow; 3.3. Fractal in Drying Porous Media; 3.3.1. Microstructure of Porous Media; 3.3.2. Macroscopic Morphology; 3.3.3. Fractal Model for Drying; 3.4. Concluding Remarks
AcknowledgementsReferences; Chapter 4: Heat and Mass Transfer Simulation of Intensification Drying Technologies: Current Status and Future Trends; CONTENTS; 4.1. Introduction: Background and Driving Forces; 4.2. Numerical Simulation is a Powerful Tool; 4.3. Development and Application of Numerical Simulation in Intensification Drying Technologies; 4.3.1. Air-impingement Drying; Numerical Simulation Methods in Impinging Jets; The Numerical Simulation of Impingement Configuration to Intensify Drying; The Numerical Simulation of the Airflow Pattern to Intensify Drying
4.3.2. Freeze Drying4.3.2.1. The Development of a Numerical Simulation of Freeze Drying; The Numerical Simulation of Technological Parameters to Intensify Drying; 4.3.3. Radio Frequency Drying; Numerical Simulation Development of Radio Frequency Heating; Application of Numerical Simulation to Enhance Uniformity Radio Frequency Heating; Numerical Simulation of the Combination of Radio Frequency and Conventional Drying; Numerical Simulation of Radio Frequency/Vacuum Drying; 4.3.4. Spray Drying The Numerical Simulation of Equipment Design for Improving Droplets Movement
Heat and Mass Transfer in Drying of Porous Media offers a comprehensive review of heat and mass transfer phenomena and mechanisms in drying of porous materials. It covers pore-scale and macro-scale models, includes various drying technologies, and discusses the drying dynamics of fibrous porous material, colloidal porous media and size-distributed particle system. Providing guidelines for mathematical modeling and design as well as optimization of drying of porous material, this reference offers useful information for researchers and students as well as engineers in drying technology, food processes, applied energy, mechanical, and chemical engineering.
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