Encyclopedia of Image Processing / editor, Phillip A. Laplante.
Contributor(s): Laplante, Phillip A [editor.]
Material type: 

"This reference is a comprehensive Encyclopedia, written in the style of the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, and covers all aspects of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology. Edited by subject area experts, the scope of the work is structured using the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) first published in 1988, but subsequently updated, most recently in 2012 (Appendix A)."--Provided by publisher.
Cover; Half Title; Series Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Brief Content; Encyclopedia of Image Processing; Topical Editors/Reviewers; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Acknowledgments; About the Editor-in-Chief; 3D Medical Imaging; Artificial Neural Networks; Biomedical Image Registration; Boolean Algebras; Cantor, Fuzzy, Near, and Rough Sets; Color; Color Image Denoising; Color Image Segmentation Metrics; Depth Statistics; Digital Halftoning: Computational Intelligence-Based Approach; Dimensionality Reduction; Discrete Fourier Transforms; Facial Animation; First-Order Statistics
Floodplain MappingForgery Detection in Digital Images; Fourier Analysis; Fuzzy Set Theory; Gradients, Edges, and Contrast; Grayscale Morphological Image Enhancement; Image and Scene Analysis; Image Enhancement; Image Inpainting Evolution: A Survey; Image Interpolation; Image Processing and Measurement; Image Retrieval; Image Secret Sharing; Image Super Resolution; Information Sets for Edge Detection; JPEG: Symmetric Exponential Quantization; JPEG: YCgCb Color Space vs. YCbCr-A Comparison; Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Processing; Markov Random Fields; 3-D Graphics
Missing Depth Data In-PaintingModern Cryptography; Modern Hardware Design Practices; Multibiometric Fusion and Template Protection Strategies; Optical Character Recognition (OCR); Optical Coding Schemes: Applications; Optical Coding Schemes: Basics; Optical Coding Schemes: Hardware; Perceptual Image and Video Quality; Perceptual Image Enhancement; Photographic Image Characteristics; Raindrop Imaging; Real-Time Object Detection and Tracking; Reflectance Modeling; Remote Sensing Image Fusion: Survey of Techniques; Remotely Sensed Images: Lossy Compression; Scattering Features of Complex Mediums
Semantic ProcessingSparse Modeling; The Human Visual System; Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing; Three-Dimensional Intensity-Curvature Measurement; Time and Motion; Topology in Geographic Information System; Traffic Analysis; UAS Imaging; UAV Imaging for Disaster Management; Unusual Trajectory Detection; Video Analytics in the Compressed Domain; Virtual Worlds; Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing; Wavelet Analysis; Index
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