Medicinal Plants : Promising Future for Health and New Drugs / edited by Parimelazhagan Thangaraj.
Contributor(s): Thangaraj, Parimelazhagan [editor.]
| Taylor and Francis
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
1 Cabbage: A store house of nutraceuticals -- Vandna Pandey, Abhishekh Chura and H.K. Pandey -- --2 Phytonutrients: A relevance to human helath -- Kumar, R, Sulaxana Kumari Chauhan, Vijayalakshmi, S and S.Nadanasabapathi -- --3 Lukoskin: An effective herbal treatment of leucoderma developed by defence institute of bio-energy research (DRDO), Haldwani -- Hemant Kr. Pandey , H. S. Meena -- --4 Centipede envenomation effects on human beings and scientific research on traditional antivenom agents: Aristolochia and Piper sp. -- Dhivya Sivaraj, Revathi Ponnusamy, Rahul Chandran and Thangaraj Parimelazhagan -- --5 Anti-Diabetic Herbal Formulations: An Effective Therapeutic Approach to Diabetes -- Binu Thomas and Chinchu Krishna M. -- --6 Anti-diabetic activity by the in vitro -Amylase and -Glucosidase inhibitory action of Indian Ayurvedic medicinal plant Ficus amplissima Smith -- Arunachalam K., Sreeja P.S and Parimelazhagan T. -- --7 Anti-obese potential of Indian traditional medicinal plants and their phytochemicals -- Vadivel, V., Venkatalakshmi, P., and Brindha, P. -- --8 Promise of medicinal plants for neurodegenerative disease: Alzheimers a review -- Kalidass Subramanaiam -- --9 Plant Sources as Potential Therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease -- Azhwar Raghunath, Kiruthika Sundarraj, Vishnu Vignesh Kanagaraj, Ekambaram Perumal -- --10 Schefflera genus (Araliaceae): A review of its botanical description, ethnobotanical use, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology -- Sreeja P.S., Arunachalam K. and Parimelazhagan T. -- --11 Selective Chinese viviparous ferns, their bioactive principles and economical values: a review -- Baskaran Xavier ravi1,3*, Antony varuvel Geo vigila2, Wenbo Liao1 & Zhang Shouzhou3 -- --12 Prospects of local flora of trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh for various medicinal uses -- Gyan P. Mishra, Tsering Stobdan, Parimelazhagan Thangaraj, Tania Seth and B. Singh -- --13 Phytochemistry of Muntingia calabura fruits -- Dr.K.Preethi -- --14 Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical investigation on Pterolobium hexapetalum (Roth.) Sant.& Wagh. -- Saikumar Sathyanarayanan, Rahul Chandran, Murugan Rajan and Parimelazhagan Thangaraj. -- --15 Anti-fungal and Antimycotoxigenic Properties of Pogostemon mollis Benth. Against Fusarium graminearum -- Kasipandi Muniyandi, Elizabeth George and Parimelazhagan Thangaraj. -- --16 In vitro biomass accumulation and different biological activities of Leucus aspera (Willd.) -- Masilamani Sri Devi, Krishnamoorthy Vinothini, Blassan P. George, Sudharshan Sekar, Arjun Pandian, Heidi Abrahamse -- --17 Antioxidant potentials of Cup Saucer plant - Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Alston -- Jaganathan Prabu, Rajan Murugan, Sathyanarayanan Saikumar, Murugaiyan Iniyavan, Geetha Sree Subburaj Jeyalakshmi and Thangaraj Parimelazhagan. -- --18 The promising anti-radical potential of Castanospermum australe A. Cunn. & C. Fraser ex Hook. -- Sajeesh Thankarajan, Rahul Chandran and Thangaraj Parimelazhagan. -- --19 In vitro plant regeneration, comparative biochemical and antioxidant potential of calli and seeds of sesbania grandiflora (l.) Poiret -- Krishnamoorthy Vinothini, Masilamani Sri Devi, Sudharshan Sekar, Blassan P. George, Pandian Arjun, Vuyo Mavumengwana, Heidi Abrahamse.
This book highlights the importance of traditional medicines, focuses on the standardization of herbal medicine and evaluates opportunities for advancing drug research. It addresses issues in utilization of medicinal plants and shares the importance of herbs in neutraceutics.It provides most competitive techniques being used in research.
Also available in print format.
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