Critical and rare earth elements : recovery from secondary resources / edited Abhilash and Ata Akcil.
Contributor(s): Abhilash [editor.]
| Akcil, Ata [editor.]
Material type: 

This book is aimed to compile the distribution of rare earth elements in various resources with their processing from secondary resources. It includes details of various processes developed for extraction of rare earth elements from varied raw materials ranging from e-wastes, tailings, process wastes and residues. It emphasizes importance of processing of the secondary resources to assist environmental remediation of such untreated wastes and get finished products. It covers all aspects of rare metals and rare earth metals in one volume covering extraction, separation and recycling of secondary resources for extraction of these metals along with relevant case studies.
1.An overview on recent status of critical and strategic metal production and developments in India B.D.Pandey, Abhilash and Pratima Meshram 2. Global Outlook On Availability Of Critical Metals And Recycling Prospects From Rechargeable Batteries Pratima Meshram, B.D.Pandey and Abhilash 3. Effect of Metal Complexation on the Solubility of Rare Earth Compounds Kenneth N. Han 4. Processing technology for extraction of scandium (III) from secondary sources - A comprehensive approach Pankaj Kumar Parhi, Saroj Sekhar Behera, Debdutta Das, Pramila Kumari Misra 5. Review of the Recovery of Cobalt from Secondary Resources Dr. Ugur Ulusoy 6. An overview of extraction schemes for the recovery of erbium Shivendra Sinha, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram 7. Comprehensive outlook for liquid-liquid separation of Rare Earth Elements Sujata Mishra 8. Selective recovery of heavy rare earth elements from underutilized resources using adsorbent modified with diglycolamic acid Takeshi Ogata, Hirokazu Narita, Mikiya Tanaka 9. Selective Separation and Purification of Platinum Group Metals, Rare Earth Elements and Cobalt from Primary and Secondary Sources using a Green Chemistry Molecular Recognition Technology Approach Steven R. Izatt*, Reed M. Izatt, Ronald L. Bruening, Krzysztof E. Krakowiak, and Neil E. Izatt 10. Design of a Solid Phase Extraction Plant to Purify Rare Earth Elements by High Performance Chelation Chromatography (HPCC) Richard F. Hammen*, John P. Hammen, Christopher R. Hammen 11. Designing a Process for RE Recycling from Motors through Green Chemistry Kathleen D. Field, Remya P. Narayanan, Marion H. Emmert 12. Recovery of Ce and La from spent automotive catalytic converters J.H.L. Voncken 13. A Successful Case Study Of Critical And Rare Earth Elements Recovery From Secondary Resources: The Hydroweee Technology A. Amatoa, F. Beolchinia, I. Birloagab, I. De Michelisb, V. Innocenzib, F. Vegliòb 14. Recovery of precious and critical raw materials from end of life photovoltaic panels Flavia C. S. M. Padoan, Pier Giorgio Schiavi, Ludovica Baldassari, Pietro Altimari, Emanuela Moscardini, Francesca Pagnanelli, Luigi Toro 15. Environmentally and economically sustainable recovery of precious metals and rare earth elements from waste printed circuit boards R. Khannaa,*, P.S. Mukherjeeb, R. Cayumilc, S. K. Mishrab, S. K. Biswalb, M. Parkd 16. Critical and Rare Earth Elements Recovery from Spent Batteries Chunwei Liu, Hongbin Cao, Yi Zhang, Zhi Sun* 17. Phosphatic resources: a valuable wealth of rare earths Dhruva Kumar Singh and Vivekanand Kain 18. Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Coal Fly Ash: A Review K. Anand Rao and T. Sreenivas 19. Methodologies and Developments in the Analysis of REEs Nagaphani Kumar Batchua and Mercedes Regadíob
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