Ultra performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry : evaluation and applications in food analysis / edited by Mu Naushad, Mohammad Rizwan Khan.
Contributor(s): Naushad, Mu [editor. of c ompilation.]
| Khan, Mohammad Rizwan [editor. of compilation.]
Material type: 

chapter 1. History and introduction of UPLC/MS / Mu. Naushad, Mohammad Rizwan Khan, and Zeid Abdullah Alothman -- chapter 2. UHPLC-MS(/MS) analysis of pesticides in food / Paolo Lucci, Rosa Busquets, and Oscar Nunez -- chapter 3. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography in food metabolomics : food quality and authenticity / Cristina C. Jacob and H. Gallart-Ayala -- chapter 4. UHPLC-MS-based methods for the study of foodborne carcinogens / Lubinda Mbundi and Rosa Busquets -- chapter 5. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of capsaicinoids in capsicum species / Saikh Mohammad Wabaidur -- chapter 6. Applications of UPLC-MS/MS for the quantification of folate vitamers / Maria V. Chandra-Hioe, Jayashree Arcot, and Martin P. Bucknall -- chapter 7. UPLC-MS/MS analysis of heterocyclic amines in cooked food / Mohammad Rizwan Khan and Mu. Naushad -- chapter 8. Determination of avocado fruit metabolites by UHPLC-MS : complementarity with other analytical platforms / Elena Hurtado-Fernandez, Maria Gomez-Romero, Tiziana Pacchiarotta, Oleg A. Mayboroda, Alegria Carrasco- Pancorbo, and Alberto Fernandez-Gutierrez -- chapter 9. UHPLC-MS in virgin olive oil analysis : an evolution toward the rationalization and speed of analytical methods / Aadil Bajoub, Alegria Carrasco-Pancorbo, Noureddine Ouazzani, and Alberto Fernandez-Gutierrez -- chapter 10. Vitamin analysis in food by UPLC-MS / Ahmad Aqel, Kareem Yusuf, Asma'a Al-Rifai, and Zeid Abdullah Alothman -- chapter 11. UPLC-MS as an analytical tool for the determination of aflatoxins in food / Kareem Yusuf, Ahmad Aqel, Ayman Abdel Ghfar, and Zeid Abdullah Alothman -- chapter 12. Determination of perfluorochemicals in food and drinking water samples using UHPLC-MS technique / Fabio Gosetti, Eleonora Mazzucco, Maria Carla Gennaro, and Emilio Marengo -- chapter 13. Determination of acrylamide in foodstuffs using UPLC-MS / Ayman Abdel Ghfar and Ibrahim Hotan Alsohaimi -- chapter 14. Determination of procyanidins and alkaloids in cocoa and biological samples by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry / Alba Macia, Maria Jose Motilva, and Nadia Ortega -- chapter 15. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and its application toward the determination of lactose content in milk / Mahamudur Islam -- chapter 16. Fast and reliable analysis of phenolic compounds in fruits and vegetables by UHPLC-MS / M.I. Alarcon-Flores, R. Romero-Gonzalez, J. L. Martinez Vidal, and A. Garrido Frenich.
The development of many novel techniques that make our existence so comfortable has been intimately associated with the accessibility of suitable analytical methods. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is a powerful technique used for various applications based upon its very high sensitivity and selectivity. Generally, its applications are oriented toward the detection and identification of chemicals in a complex mixture. Preparative LC-MS systems can be used for fast and mass-directed purification of natural product extracts and new molecular entities important to food, pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and other industries. This book presents a unique collection of up-to-date UPLC-MS/MS (ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric) methods for the separation and quantitative determination of pesticides, capsaicinoids, heterocyclic amines, aflatoxin, perfluorochemicals, acrylamide, procyanidins and alkaloids, lactose content, phenolic compounds, vitamins, and aroma and flavor compounds in a wide variety of foods and food products. This book is the result of the remarkable contributions of 35 experts in interdisciplinary fields of science, with comprehensive, in-depth, and up-to-date research works and reviews. Composed of 16 chapters and compiled using more than 78 figures and 50 tables, this text delivers practical information to all people involved in the research and development, production, or routing analysis of foods and food products. Mu. Naushad and M.R. Khan Editors-- Provided by publisher.
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