Quality of life technology handbook / edited by Richard Schulz.
Contributor(s): Schulz, Richard
Material type: 

1. Who can benefit from quality of life technology? / Richard Schulz and Scott R. Beach -- 2. Facilitators and barriers to technology uptake : individual end-user perspectives / Richard Schulz -- 3. Facilitators and barriers to technology uptake : organizational and societal perspectives / Katherine D. Seelman -- 4. Assessing needs, preferences, and attitudes using survey methods / Scott R. Beach -- 5. Design and development process / Judith T. Matthews, Karen L. Courtney, Annette DeVito Dabbs -- 6. Universal design for quality of life technologies / Edward Steinfeld and Roger O. Smith -- 7. Fostering teamwork and community partnerships / Judith T. Matthews and Karen L. Courtney -- 8. Evaluating quality of life technologies / Annette Devito Dabbs. [et al.] -- 9. Vision-based sensing approaches to QoLT / Martial Hebert -- 10. HERB : a personal assistive mobile manipulator in the home / Siddhartha S. Srinivasa -- 11. Architecture and applications of virtual coaches / Daniel P. Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic, and Anind Dey -- 12. Nonwearable in-home sensing for early detection of health changes / Marjorie Skubic. [et al.] -- 13. Quality of life technologies in supporting family caregivers / Sara J. Czaja, Chin Chin Lee, and Richard Schulz -- 14. Developing future generations of QoLT researchers through education, outreach, and diversity initiatives / Mary Goldberg. [et al.] -- 15. Innovation, commercialization, and start-ups / James F. Jordan.
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