Contact angle, wettability and adhesion. Volume 4 / edited by Kash L. Mittal.
Contributor(s): Mittal, Kash L [editor.]
| Taylor and Francis
Material type: 

part Part 1: General Papers -- chapter Study of contact angles, contact line dynamics and interfacial liquid slip by a mean-field free-energy lattice Boltzmann model -- chapter Contact line motion: Hydrodynamical or molecular process? -- chapter The detailed structure of a perturbed wetting triple line on modified PTFE -- chapter A simple geometrical model to predict evaporative behavior of spherical sessile droplets on impermeable surfaces -- part Part 2: Contact Angle Measurements/Determination and Solid Surface Free Energy -- chapter About the possibility of experimentally measuring an equilibrium contact angle and its theoretical and practical consequences -- chapter The static contact angle hysteresis and Young's equilibrium contact angle -- chapter Wettability of porous materials, I: The use of Wilhelmy experiment: The cases of stone, wood and non-woven fabric -- chapter Wettability of porous materials, II: Can we obtain the contact angle from the Washburn equation? -- chapter Contact-angle measurements of sessile drops deformed by a DC electric field -- chapter Dynamic contact angle of a droplet spreading on heterogeneous surfaces -- chapter Wetting on chemically heterogeneous surfaces: Pseudo-spherical approximation for sessile drops -- chapter Can contact angle measurements be used to predict soiling and cleaning of plastic flooring materials? -- chapter Surface free energy of solids: A comparison of models -- chapter Determination of solid surface tension at the nano-scale using atomic force microscopy -- part Part 3: Wettability and Its Modification -- chapter Study of surface charge properties of minerals and surface-modified substrates by wettability measurements -- chapter Study of electrically-induced wetting on silicon single-crystal substrates -- chapter Criteria for ultralyophobic surfaces -- chapter Highly hydrophobic textile surfaces obtained by thin-layer deposition -- chapter Wettability of surface-modified keratin fibers -- chapter Ammonia plasma-simulating treatments and their impact on wettability of PET fabrics -- chapter Study of the effect of acidic species on wettability alteration of calcite surfaces by measuring partitioning coefficients, IFT and contact angles -- chapter Surfactant-induced modifications in interfacial and surface forces and multiphase flow dynamics in porous media -- part Part 4: Surface Characteristics and Adhesion -- chapter Surface modification of banana-based lignocellulosic fibres -- chapter XeCl excimer laser treatment of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene fibers -- chapter Thin film coating of textile materials. Part 1: Permanent functionalization of textile materials with biopolymers -- chapter Thin film coating of textile materials. Part II: Enzyme immobilization on textile carrier materials -- chapter Biofouling-resistant coatings from low-surface-energy polymers -- chapter Cell adhesion to ion- and plasma-treated polymer surfaces: The role of surface free energy -- chapter Favorable effects of acid-base sites on polymer coatings in the kinetics of oil removal -- chapter Analysis of adhesion contact of human skin in vivo -- chapter Influence of surface properties of metalleadframes on mold compound-metal adhesion in semiconductor packaging.
This volume chronicles the proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion held in Philadelphia, PA, June 2004. The world of wettability is very wide and it plays a crucial role in many and varied technological areas ranging from microfluidics to biomedical to agriculture to welding. This volume contains a total of 31 papers covering many ramifications of contact angle, wettability and adhesion. All manuscripts were rigorously peer-reviewed and revised, and properly edited before inclusion in this book. The topics covered include: fundamental aspects of contact line region; evaporative behavior of sessile drops; various factors influencing contact angle measurements; different kinds of contact angles; various ways to measure contact angles; contact angle hysteresis; contact angle measurements on various materials (smooth, rough, porous, heterogeneous); effect of electric field on contact angle (electrowetting); wetting and spreading on heterogeneous surfaces; factors influencing wetting/spreading phenomena; determination of solid surface free energy via contact angle measurements; application of AFM in determining solid surface tension at the nano-scale; ultralyophobic surfaces; surface modification and wettability; multiphase flow dynamics in porous media; thin film coatings for textile materials; bio-fouling resistant coatings; relationships between wetting and adhesion; and relevance/importance of wetting and surface energetics in technological applications, including cleaning of flooring materials, kinetics of oil removal from coating materials, cell adhesion, and mold compound- metal adhesion in semiconductor packaging.
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