Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine : a nano approach / edited by Murugan Ramalingam. [et al.].
Contributor(s): Ramalingam, Murugan
Material type: 

ch. 1. Biostable composite biomaterials in medical applications / Pekka K. Vallittu -- ch. 2. Bioceramic and biopolymer nanocomposite materials for use in orthopedic applications / Clark E. Barrett, Ruth E. Cameron, and Serena M. Best -- ch. 3. Tailoring of bioactive glasses / Leena Hupa -- ch. 4. Bioactive ceramic coatings for metallic implants / Niko Moritz, Paula Linderback, and Timo O. Narhi -- ch. 5. Induction of bone formation by calcium phosphate-based biomimetic macroporous constructs / Ugo Ripamonti -- ch. 6. Bioinspired titanium implants : the Concavity : the shape of life / Ugo Ripamonti, Louise Renton, and Jean-Claude Petit -- ch. 7. Bioactive surface modifications for dental and orthopedic implants / Ivan Donati. [et al.] -- ch. 8. Oral implants : biological background and current concepts in peri-implantitis treatment / Nicola U. Zitzmann and Tuomas Waltimo -- ch. 9. Soft tissue attachment on implant surface / Timo O. Narhi -- ch. 10. Surface chemical determination of the placement, growth, and differentiation of cells for drug screening, toxin detection, and lab-on-a-chip applications / Peter Molnar, Murugan Ramalingam, and James J. Hickman -- ch. 11. Electrospun nanofibers as next-generation bioactive tissue scaffolds / Victor Leung. [et al.] -- ch. 12. Mechanics of fiber-reinforced scaffolds and tissues formed from organized electrospun assemblies / Matthew B. Fisher and Robert L. Mauck -- ch. 13. Regulation of stem cell behavior using nanobiomaterials / Andrew M. Handorf. [et al.] -- ch. 14. Biomaterials and their use in craniofacial surgery / Kurt Laedrach -- ch. 15. Nanobiomaterials for bone tissue engineering / Meng Deng. [et al.] -- ch. 16. Stem cells, growth factors, and biomaterials in bone surgery / George K. B. Sandor -- ch. 17. Nanomaterials for cartilage regeneration / Shirley Keolebogile Motaung and A. Hari Reddi -- ch. 18. Cartilage tissue engineering : advances in stem cell-based approaches / Sibylle Grad. [et al.] -- ch. 19. Stem cells and nanobiomaterials for cardiac tissue regeneration / Debasish Mondal -- ch. 20. Nanotechnology for engineering cellular microenvironment and gene delivery / Janice H. Lai. [et al.] -- ch. 21. Nanobiomaterial-based short interfering RNA delivery systems / Yoon N. Cho, Murugan Ramalingam, and Ziyad S. Haidar -- ch. 22. Sugar-glass nanoparticles for protein delivery / Jyotsnendu Giri and Marcus T. Cicerone -- ch. 23. Clinical relevance of tissue engineering / Koteshwar N. Sridhar and Daniel G. Miller -- ch. 24. Future perspectives of biomaterials and stem cells in regenerative medicine / Dilip Dey.
This book bridges the gap between nanotechnology and regenerative medicine to facilitate their transition from lab to the clinic. It compiles important aspects of the basic science and fundamental principles to current nanotechnological innovations in biomaterials, cell, tissue, and organ engineering, and their clinical relevance, as well as future trends in regenerative medicine. It is intended for a wide audience including students, researchers, professors, and industrial experts working in the tields of biomaterial science and engineering, nanoscience and nanotechnology, bioengineering, cell biology, biomedical sciences, tissue engineering, and nanomedicine--Provided by publisher.
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