Applied biomedical engineering mechanics / Dhanjoo N. Ghista.
By: Ghista, Dhanjoo N [author.]
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Biomechanics in medical diagnosis in the form of non-dimensional physiological indices -- Left ventricular mechanics -- Left ventricular contractility indices -- Vascular biomechanics -- Lung ventilation modelling for lung disease detection -- Lung gas-transfer performance analysis -- Indicators for extubation of mechanically-ventilated COPD patients, using lung ventilation modelling -- Glucose-insulin dynamics modelling -- Glucose tolerance tests modelling -- Modelling of OGTT blood glucose & insulin responses and diagnostic indices --
Analysis for internal fixation of a fractured bone by means of bone-fixator plate -- The human lumbar vertebral body : analysis of its functionally-optimal design -- The human spinal vertebral disc : its optimal structural design characteristics -- Biomechanics of fitness index, optimal walking & jogging modes, and hip-joint assessment -- Analysis of spinning ball trajectories of soccer kicks and basketball throws -- Mechanics of baseball pitching and batting -- Bio-dynamics analysis of women's gymnastics Yurchenko layout vault.
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