Polymer and Composite Rheology, Second Edition / Rakesh K. Gupta.
By: Gupta, Rakesh K [author.]
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chapter 1 Introduction to Polym r Rheolo -- of matter. -- chapter Plastic -- of poise, whkh is the same as dyne second per of water is about I m Pa-s. or I centipoise. since -- chapter of chemical bonds which -- chapter of a torque balance on a cubic element, it can be shown (see -- of Knowing the components of the stress tensor. -- chapter 2 lnstrumen r Shear heology -- of instruments have been used to measure the rheological proper- of polymer solutions and polymer melts when these are subjected to shear -- chapter of the plates changes the mode of deformation within the more -- chapter 3 Shear Viscosity of Melts of Flexible Chain Polymers -- chapter of decades' change in the shear rate. but in the range where the equation -- of onset -- chapter PS / 1so•c / -- chapter of the polymer. An example is the addition of dioctyl phthalate -- chapter 4 Shear Viscosity of Polymer Solutions -- Solutions of polymer solutions. both dilute and concentrated. and employing of technologically important situations. Common examples include the addition -- chapter 5 N rmal Stress Differences in Polymers During Shear Flow -- chapter 6 Dynamic Mechanical Properties -- of infinitesimal amplitude and fixed angular frequency = 2rtf, where -- chapter 7 Extensional Viscosity -- chapter of their results. The elongational viscosity, calculated using the -- chapter 8 Rigid-Rod and Liquid-Crystal Polymer Rheology -- chapter n lil -- Shear rate -- chapter 9 Yield Stress, Wall Slip, Particle Migration, and Other Observations Multiphase Systems -- with -- chapter of the suspending liquid. resulting in an axial solids -- chapter Q is the volumetric flow rate. Dis the capillary diameter. and the differenti- -- chapter 4000 \ / .c.---\" -- chapter of Eqs. ( 10.14)-(1 0.16) and is, indeed, observed. Figure 10.19 -- -o-o-o-o-o- -- chapter 11 Short-Fiber Suspensions -- chapter his not particularly crucial. -- chapter id.--------.--------,--------.---------,--------,--------. -- chapter of fiber suspensions of Figs. i1.6 and l leaves7 -- chapter 12 Emulsions -- of plastics tech- -- chapter of size distribution also resulls in an -- of the of the sphere. of fluid within of the streamlines of the drop. The circula- / lf there is perfect slippage of liquid at the -- chapter of the shear rate imposed; there is only drop elongation. Somewhat -- chapter 13 Gas-Containing Melts and Foams -- chapter 14 Rheology of Powders and Granular Materials -- of powders and granular materials, often termed particulate solids and of everyday life. It is also important in several practical -- chapter of rotation or as a function of the total number of turns -- + sm a a is the coefficient of internal friction and can be estimated from a -- chapter 324 Chapter 14 -- chapter r----r---r--.--.---.---.--.r---r--. -- chapter 15 Chemorheology and Gelation -- of chemical reactions. Such reactions are an integral part of thermoset poly- -- chapter 5 7, for ex- -- chapter = ln o kt -- chapter 16 Flow Through Porous Media -- of a fluid through a porous medium is encountered extremely of polymer processing. as part of the process of synthetic fiber formation, -- chapter of Eq. ( 16.5) (in / VII. Pore Geometry Effects 365 -- chapter 24r------.-------------------------------n / -·-·-·-·-·- -- chapter 17 Melt Fracture -- chapter o / ----~ ::--~.
"An analysis of polymer and composite rheology. This second edition covers flow properties of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers, and general principles and applications of all phases of polymer rheology, with new chapters on the rheology of particulate and fibre composites. It also includes new and expanded detail on polymer blends and emulsions, foams, reacting systems, and flow through porous media as well as composite processing operations."--Provided by publisher.
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