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Finite element modeling of textiles in Abaqus CAE / Izabela Ciesielska-Wrobel.

By: Ciesielska-Wrobel, Izabela.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press LLC, 2019Description: 1 online resource (195 pages).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781498753746; 1498753744; 9780429154102; 0429154100; 9780429531606; 0429531605; 9780429546303; 0429546300.Subject(s): SCIENCE -- Mechanics -- General | TECHNOLOGY -- Electricity | TECHNOLOGY -- Engineering -- Industrial | Abaqus (Electronic resource) | Textile fabrics -- Mathematical models | Finite element methodDDC classification: 677.00151825 Online resources: Taylor & Francis | OCLC metadata license agreement
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Disclaimer; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Author; 1. Introduction to Creation of Geometry and Modeling with Abaqus CAE; 1.1 Introduction; 1.1.1 Textiles-Why Model Them?; 1.1.2 Finite Element Analysis and Finite Element Models; 1.1.3 Abaqus CAE and Other Software as Tools for Modeling; References; 2. Basics of Abaqus CAE Software; 2.1 Creation of Models-Step-by-Step; 2.1.1 Creation of a Part; 2.1.2 Materials; 2.1.3 Section and Its Properties; 2.1.4 Defining the Assembly; 2.1.5 Creation of a Step; 2.1.6 Data Output Request
2.1.7 BCs and Loads2.1.8 Meshing and Element Types; 2.1.9 Job; 2.1.10 Solution, Visualization; References; 3. Modeling of a Fiber; 3.1 Theoretical Approach; 3.2 Finite Element Model of a Fiber; 3.3 Summary; References; 4. Haptic Perception of Objects; 4.1 Objective and Subjective Hand Evaluation-Feeling Textiles Against the Skin; 4.1.1 Subjective and Objective Techniques for HoT Measurements; 4.1.2 Well-Established Objective Methods for HoT Measurement; 4.1.3 The Innovations in Objective HoT Measurement; 4.2 Model of Skin Touching an Object; 4.2.1 The Skin Model; 4.2.2 The Yarn Model
4.2.3 The Load Plate4.2.4 Changing the Model and Using Different Visualizations; References; 5. Geometry of a Knit Structure; 5.1 Knit Structure; 5.2 Guide for Sketching a Simplified Loop; 5.3 Guide for Sketching a Profiled Loop; Index
Summary: The aim of the book is to provide engineers with a practical guide to Finite Element Modelling (FEM) in Abaqus CAE software. The guide is in the form of step-by-step procedures concerning yarns, woven fabric and knitted fabrics modelling, as well as their contact with skin so that the simulation of haptic perception between textiles and skin can be
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Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Disclaimer; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Author; 1. Introduction to Creation of Geometry and Modeling with Abaqus CAE; 1.1 Introduction; 1.1.1 Textiles-Why Model Them?; 1.1.2 Finite Element Analysis and Finite Element Models; 1.1.3 Abaqus CAE and Other Software as Tools for Modeling; References; 2. Basics of Abaqus CAE Software; 2.1 Creation of Models-Step-by-Step; 2.1.1 Creation of a Part; 2.1.2 Materials; 2.1.3 Section and Its Properties; 2.1.4 Defining the Assembly; 2.1.5 Creation of a Step; 2.1.6 Data Output Request

2.1.7 BCs and Loads2.1.8 Meshing and Element Types; 2.1.9 Job; 2.1.10 Solution, Visualization; References; 3. Modeling of a Fiber; 3.1 Theoretical Approach; 3.2 Finite Element Model of a Fiber; 3.3 Summary; References; 4. Haptic Perception of Objects; 4.1 Objective and Subjective Hand Evaluation-Feeling Textiles Against the Skin; 4.1.1 Subjective and Objective Techniques for HoT Measurements; 4.1.2 Well-Established Objective Methods for HoT Measurement; 4.1.3 The Innovations in Objective HoT Measurement; 4.2 Model of Skin Touching an Object; 4.2.1 The Skin Model; 4.2.2 The Yarn Model

4.2.3 The Load Plate4.2.4 Changing the Model and Using Different Visualizations; References; 5. Geometry of a Knit Structure; 5.1 Knit Structure; 5.2 Guide for Sketching a Simplified Loop; 5.3 Guide for Sketching a Profiled Loop; Index

The aim of the book is to provide engineers with a practical guide to Finite Element Modelling (FEM) in Abaqus CAE software. The guide is in the form of step-by-step procedures concerning yarns, woven fabric and knitted fabrics modelling, as well as their contact with skin so that the simulation of haptic perception between textiles and skin can be

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