Autofrettage Processes [electronic resource] : Technology and Modelling.
By: Dixit, Uday S
Contributor(s): Kamal, Seikh Mustafa
| Shufen, Rajkumar
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Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication Page; Contents; Preface; Authors; 1: Introduction to Autofrettage; 1.1 What Is Autofrettage?; 1.2 A Brief History of the Autofrettage Process; 1.3 Application of the Autofrettage Process; 1.4 Classification of Autofrettage Processes; 1.4.1 Hydraulic Autofrettage; 1.4.2 Swage Autofrettage; 1.4.3 Explosive Autofrettage; 1.4.4 Thermal Autofrettage; 1.4.5 Rotational Autofrettage; 1.5 Conclusion; References; 2: A Review on Plasticity and the Finite Element Method; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Index Notation; 2.3 Measures of Strain and Stress
2.4 Equations of Motion2.5 Strain-Displacement Relations; 2.6 Incremental Strain and Strain Rate Measures of Plastic Deformation; 2.7 Yield Criterion; 2.7.1 Tresca Yield Criterion; 2.7.2 Von Mises Yield Criterion; 2.8 Criterion for Subsequent Yielding; 2.9 Stress-Incremental Strain and Stress-Strain Rate Relation During Plastic Deformation; 2.10 Introduction to the Finite Element Method (FEM); 2.10.1 Preprocessing; 2.10.2 Developing Elemental Equations; Direct Stiffness Method; Weighted Residual Method; 2.10.3 Assembling the Elemental Equations
2.10.4 Applying Boundary Conditions and Solving the System of Equations2.10.5 Post-Processing; 2.11 An Example of Hydraulic Autofrettage of a Thick Cylinder; 2.12 Conclusion; References; 3: Hydraulic Autofrettage; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 A Typical Hydraulic Autofrettage Process; 3.3 Aspects in Modeling Hydraulic Autofrettage; 3.4 Elastic Analysis of an Internally Pressurized Thick-Walled Cylinder; 3.5 Closed-Form Model of Hydraulically Autofrettaged Cylinder Based on the Tresca Yield Criterion; 3.5.1 Stress Distribution after Loading; 3.5.2 Residual Stress Distribution after Unloading
3.6 Closed-Form Model of Hydraulically Autofrettaged Cylinder Based on von Mises Yield Criterion3.6.1 Cylinder with Open Ends or Disc with Plane-Stress Condition; Stress Distribution after Loading; Residual Stress Distribution after Unloading; 3.6.2 Cylinder with Constrained Ends/Plane-Strain Condition; Stress Distribution after Loading; Residual Stress Distribution after Unloading; 3.7 Elastic Analysis of an Internally Pressurized Thick-Walled Sphere; 3.8 Closed-Form Model of a Hydraulically Autofrettaged Sphere; 3.8.1 Stress Distribution after Loading
3.8.2 Residual Stress Distribution after Unloading3.9 Results and Discussion; 3.10 Conclusion; References; 4: Swage and Explosive Autofrettage; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 A Typical Swage Autofrettage Process; 4.3 Issues in Modeling the Swage Autofrettage Process; 4.3.1 Effect of Mandrel Geometry; 4.3.2 Effect of the Mandrel Material Behavior; 4.3.3 Effect of Friction between Mandrel and Cylinder; 4.3.4 Effect of Number of Passes; 4.4 Closed-Form Model of Swage Autofrettage; 4.4.1 Elastic Analysis; 4.4.2 Elasto-Plastic Analysis; 4.5 Typical Results in Swage Autofrettage; 4.6 Explosive Autofrettage
4.7 Conclusion
Autofrettage Processes: Technology and Modeling deals with the technology and modeling of autofrettage processes, explaining the subject in a lucid manner. It highlights how the theory of plasticity and finite element modeling are applied in the modeling of autofrettage processes. Aimed at senior students of mechanical, production, automobile, and chemical engineering, it has the potential to directly benefit practicing engineers and industrials, owing to the inclusion of topics like thermal autofrettage. Key Features: Provides a general introduction to autofrettage Covers the application of theory of plasticity and finite element modeling of autofrettage processes Offers exposure to newer autofrettage processes that to date have not been implemented in industries, along with useful practical data
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