Cryptographic and Information Security Approaches for Images and Videos / by S. Ramakrishnan.
By: Ramakrishnan, S [author.]
Contributor(s): Taylor and Francis
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction to Information Security Systems Primitives - Majid Khan and Syeda Iram Batool Naqvi -- Cryptographic Image Scrambling Techniques - Bhaskar Mondal -- Chaos Based Image Cryptography - Charles Z. Liu, Linda Y. Dong, and Raymond P. Shaw -- Fundamental Cryptographic Characteristics of Boolean Functions - A Review -Majid Khan and Syeda Iram Batool Naqvi -- Phase Retrieval in Optical Cryptography - Naveen Kumar Nishchaland Areeba Fatima -- Security and Cryptography in images and video using Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC) - Piyush Raghav and Amit Dua -- Security of Scalable Video Coding : Encryption and Authentication - Zhuo Wei, Swee Won Lo, Yongdong Wu, Yanjiang Yang, Zheng Yan and Robert H. Deng -- Compressive Sensing in Color Image Security - Rohit Thanki, Surekha Borra, Komal Borisagar and Nilanjan Dey -- Secure Threshold Attribute-Based Signcryption with Constant Number of Pairings - Sreenivasa Rao and Nishant Doshi -- Multimedia contents encryption using the chaotic MACM system on a smart-display - Rodrigo Mendez-Ramrez, Adrian Arellano-Delgado, Miguel Murillo-Escobar, and Cesar Cruz-Hernandez -- Medical Image Encryption - V. Padmapriya and R. Amirtharajan -- Watermarking Techniques for Copyright Protection of Texts in Document Files - Surekha Borra, Rohit Thanki and Nilanjan Dey -- VLSI Implementation Of Video Watermarking for Secure HEVC Coding Standard -Amit Mahesh Joshi -- Data hiding in compressed images and videos - Liu Shaohui -- Robust Image Watermarking Based on Multiple-criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) - Musab Ghadi, Lamri Laouamer, Laurent Nana and Anca Pascu -- The role of image fusion and watermarking techniques in medical imaging - Ch. Hima Bindu -- Watermarking techniques and its applications in Tele-Health: A Technical Survey - Sriti Thakur, Amit kumar Singh, Satya Prakash Ghrera and Mayank Dave -- Utilization of Small S-boxes for Information Hiding - Majid Khan and SyedaIram Batool Naqvi -- Secure and robust ECG steganography using Fractional Fourier transform - Gajanan K. Birajdar, Vishwesh A. Vyawahare and Mukesh D. Patil -- Visual secret sharing scheme for (k,n) threshold based on QR code with multiple decryptions - Song Wan, Yuliang Lu, Xuehu Yan, Yongjie Wang and Chao Chang -- Steganography based on interpolation and edge detection techniques - Ki-Hyun Jung -- Steganography and Medical Data Security - Rukiye Karakis and Inan Guler -- Digital Visual Media Forensics - Raahat Devender Singh -- Review of Image Tampering Detection Techniques - Manu V T and B. M. Mehtre -- Blockchain security for wireless multimedia networks - Ankit Songara , Lokeshchouhan and Pankaj Kumar -- Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Using Redundant Keypoint Elimination Method - Zahra Hossein-Nejad and Mehdi Nasri -- Anti-Forensics for Image & Video Tampering: A Review - Sitara K and B M Mehtre -- Securing biometrics using data hiding techniques - Mehul S Raval, Vaibhav B Joshi and Jignesh S Bhatt -- Secure Biometric Modalities for Effective Communication - Sandhya Tarar -- Application of Video based Face Recognition for Mobile Security using Machine Learning Techniques - Emir Kremi and Abdulhamit Subasi -- Biometrics based authentication scheme for Cloud Environment - G. Jaspher Willsie Kathrine.
This book presents essential principles, technical information, and expert insights on multimedia security technology. Illustrating the need for improved content security as the Internet and digital multimedia applications rapidly evolve, it presents a wealth of everyday protection application examples in fields including . Giving readers an in-depth introduction to different aspects of information security mechanisms and methods, it also serves as an instructional tool on the fundamental theoretical framework required for the development of advanced techniques.
Also available in print format.
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