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Green information and communication systems for a sustainable future / edited by Rajshree Srivastava, Sandeep Kautish, and Rajeev Tiwari.

Contributor(s): Srivastava, Rajshree [editor.] | Kautish, Sandeep [editor.] | Tiwari, Rajeev [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021Edition: First edition.Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781003032458; 1003032451; 9781000207576; 1000207579; 9781000207590; 1000207595; 9781000207583; 1000207587.Subject(s): Telecommunication systems -- Environmental aspects | TECHNOLOGY / Environmental Engineering & Technology | TECHNOLOGY / ManufacturingDDC classification: 384.3 Online resources: Taylor & Francis | OCLC metadata license agreement Summary: "This book includes the fundamental concepts, applications, algorithms, protocols, new trends, challenges, and research results in the area of Green Information and Communication Systems. It is a resource that offers knowledge on core and specialized issues, making it highly suitable for both the new and the experienced researcher in the field. The book covers network design theoretical and practical perspectives. It includes how Green ICT initiatives and applications can play a major role in reducing CO2 emissions, and focuses on industry and how it can promote awareness and implementation of Green ICT. The book discusses scholarship and research in green and sustainable IT for business and organizations and uses the power of IT to usher sustainable in other parts of an organization. The book is for business and management educators, management researchers, doctoral scholars, university teaching personnel, policy makers as well as higher academic research organizations. It is also a good resource for Industrial and Management training organizations all over the world"-- Provided by publisher.
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