Agri-based bioeconomy : reintegrating trans-disciplinary research and sustainable development goals / edited by Chetan Keswani.
Contributor(s): Keswani, Chetan [editor.]
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<P><STRONG>Agricultural Biotechnology and the Sustainable Development Goals</STRONG></P><I><P>Kathleen Hefferon</P></I><B><P>Exploring New Organizational Concepts for Agriculture in the Bioeconomy</P></B><I><P>Davide Viaggi</P></I><B><P>Assessing the Potential of Agro- and Bio-based Industries in Transition Economies: Needs and Opportunities in the Case of Greece</P></B><I><P>Emmanuel Koukios</P></I><B><P>IPRs to Innovation are as Bioeconomy to Sustainable Development: but how are all of these interconnected?</P></B><I><P>Dhanay Cadillo Chandler</P></I><B><P>Cross-fertilization between human, veterinary and plant-derived vaccines: One Health and global patent landscape in Vaccinology 4.0</P></B><I><P>Cristina Possas</P></I><B><P>Potential of Ecosystem Services in an Agro-based Bioeconomy: the Traditional Vietnamese Integrated Farming System VAC</P></B><I><P>Petra Schneider</P></I><B><P>On the Sustainability of Direct-Seeded Rice</P></B><I><P>Serge Svizzero</P></I><B><P>Integrated Bio-cycles Management for Harmonization of Agri-Based Bio-socio-economy Aspect in Tropical Natural Resources</P></B><I><P>Cahyono Agus</P></I><B><P>A paradigm shift towards sustainability -- Utilizing agricultural waste as a valuable resource in various agricultural endeavors</P></B><I><P>M.B. Brown</P></I><B><P>Compost and compost tea from on-farm composted agro-wastes improve the sustainability of horticultural organic cropping systems</P></B><I><P>Ugo De Corato</P></I><B><P>Cultural, economical and environmental impact of Conservation and Sustainable Exploitation Management Areas (UMA) of freshwater turtles in Tabasco Mexico</P></B><I><P>Ángel Sol Sánchez</P></I><B><P>Innovation to produce basic food in recycled containers in saline soils of the coast of Tabasco, Mexico</P></B><I><P>Gloria I. Hernández Melchor</P></I><B><P>A comprehensive review of commercial production of microbial fertilizers</P></B><I><P>Mansour Ghorbanpour</P></I><B><P>Microbial Solubilizers of Rock-Forming Minerals: Opportunities and Challenges</P></B><I><P>Julio Alves Cardoso Filho</P></I><B><P>Advances In Creation And Development Of Bacteriophage Collections. Viral Genomes Resources For Biotechnology And Agriculture</P></B><I><P>Galina Novik </P></I><B><P>The interaction between microorganisms and soil processes and their effects on nutrient availability and plant production</P></B><I><P>Mansour Ghorbanpour</P></I><B><P>Agricultural Bioeconomy and Sustainable Proposals for Turkey</P></B><I><P>Irfan Kalaycı </P></I><B><P>Utilization of Agricultural Waste in Agro-based Biogas Production and Sustainable Development</P></B><I><P>Manoj K. Chitara</P></I><B><P>Secreted antigens of bacilli: the methodology for immunochemical investigation of dynamics of concentration per bacterial cell</P></B><I><P>E.P. Kiseleva</P></I><B><P>Increasing the tolerance of water deficit stress in plants with integrated application of organic and inorganic fertilizers</P></B><I><P>Behnam Asgari Lajayer</P></I>
This volume concentrates on the recent scientific advancements in agricultural biotechnology and reintegrates it with socio-economic, industrial and intellectual property aspects of agricultural biotechnology and its implications for accomplishing the sustainable development goals. Adopting a unique approach, this book amalgamates science and business perspectives from an insider's viewpoint on the agro-biotech industry, laying the foundations for students and professionals alike. This book: Is a first of its kind by addressing the recent issues emerging in agro-based economies. Will be a single-point source for recent advancements in agro-based global bioeconomy. Empowers the utilization of biotechnology to address worldwide ecological issues by supporting sustainable resolutions for global agricultural markets. Gives both foundational hypothesis and functional direction on commercialization and regulatory issues. Empowers the usage of adaptable approaches that can adjust to and uphold socially and financially valuable agro-based technologies.
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