Mathematics applied to engineering in action : advanced theories, methods, and models / edited by Nazmul Islam, PhD, Satya Bir Singh, PhD, Prabhat Ranjan, PhD, A.K. Haghi, PhD.
Contributor(s): Islam, Nazmul [editor.]
| Singh, Satya Bir [editor.]
| Ranjan, Prabhat [editor.]
| Haghi, A. K [editor.]
Material type: 

Quantum Information Perspective on Chemical Reactivity / Roman F. Nalewajski -- A Computational Modeling of the Structure, Frontier Molecular Orbital (FMO) Analysis, and Global and Local Reactive Descriptors of a Phytochemical 'Coumestrol' / P. Vinduja, Vijisha K. Rajan, Swathi Krishna, and K. Muraleedharan -- Theoretical Analysis of CuTiS2 and CuTiSe2 Invoking Density Functional Theory-Based Descriptors / Prabhat Ranjan, Pancham Kumar, and Tanmoy Chakraborty -- Synergistic Effect of E. crassipes Biomass/Chitosan for As(III) Remediation from Water / Pankaj Gogoi, Pakiza Begum, Kaustubh Rakshit, and Tarun K. Maji -- Computational Investigations on Metal Oxide Clusters and Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Heterogeneous Catalysis / Neetu Goel, Navjot Kaur, Mohd Riyaz, and Sarita Yadav -- Effect of Dye Concentration on Series Resistance of Thionin Dye-Based Organic Diode / Pallab Kumar Das, Swapan Bhunia, Sarmistha Basu, and N.B. Manik -- On Gower's Inverse Matrix / J. López-Bonilla, R. López-Vázquez, and S. Vidal-Beltrán -- Applications of Noether's Theorem / J. Yaljá Montiel-Pérez, J. López-Bonilla, R. López-Vázquez, and S. Vidal-Beltrán -- Mathematical Modeling of Elastic-Plastic Transitional Stresses in Human Femur and Tibia Bones Exhibiting Orthotropic Macro Structural Symmetry / Shivdev Shahi and S.B. Singh -- Lorentz Transformations, Dirac Matrices, and 3-Rotationsvia Quaternions / J. Morales, G. Ovando, J. López-Bonilla, and R. López-Vázquez -- Multiscale Approach Towards the Modeling and Simulation of Carbon Nanotubes Networks / Manas Roy and Mitali Saha -- When Perovskites Memorize / P. Sidharth, M. Prateek, and P. Predeep.
"Mathematics Applied to Engineering in Action: Advanced Theories, Methods, and Models focuses on material relevant to solving the kinds of mathematical problems regularly confronted by engineers. This new volume explains how an engineer should properly define the physical and mathematical problem statements, choose the computational approach, and solve the problem by a proven reliable approach. It presents the theoretical background necessary for solving problems, including definitions, rules, formulas, and theorems on the particular theme. The book aims to apply advanced mathematics using real-world problems to illustrate mathematical ideas. This approach emphasizes the relevance of mathematics to engineering problems, helps to motivate the reader, and gives examples of mathematical concepts in a context familiar to the research students. The volume is intended for professors and instructors, scientific researchers, students, and industry professionals. It will help readers to choose the most appropriate mathematical modeling method to solve engineering problems."-- Provided by publisher.
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