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Topics in Contemporary Mathematical Analysis and Applications / Edited By Hemen Dutta.

Contributor(s): Dutta, Hemen, 1981- [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Publisher: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2021Copyright date: ©2021Edition: First edition.Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781000204216; 1000204219; 9781003081197; 1003081193; 9781000204247; 1000204243; 9781000204278; 1000204278.Subject(s): Mathematical analysis | TECHNOLOGY / Operations Research | MATHEMATICS / Mathematical Analysis | TECHNOLOGY / ManufacturingDDC classification: 515 Online resources: Taylor & Francis | OCLC metadata license agreement Summary: Topics in Contemporary Mathematical Analysis and Applications encompasses several contemporary topics in the field of mathematical analysis, their applications, and relevancies in other areas of research and study. The readers will find developments concerning the topics presented to a reasonable extent with various new problems for further study. Each chapter carefully presents the related problems and issues, methods of solutions, and their possible applications or relevancies in other scientific areas. Aims at enriching the understanding of methods, problems, and applications Offers an understanding of research problems by presenting the necessary developments in reasonable details Discusses applications and uses of operator theory, fixed-point theory, inequalities, bi-univalent functions, functional equations, and scalar-objective programming, and presents various associated problems and ways to solve such problems This book is written for individual researchers, educators, students, and department libraries.
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