Electronic circuit analysis using LTSpice XVII simulator : a practical guide for beginners.
By: Mohindru, Pooja
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This text discusses simulation process for circuits including clamper, voltage and current divider, transformer modeling, transistor as an amplifier, transistor as a switch, MOSFET modeling, RC and LC filters, step and impulse response to RL and RC circuits, amplitude modulator in a step-by-step manner for more clarity and understanding to the readers. It covers electronic circuits like rectifiers, RC filters, transistor as an amplifier, operational amplifiers, pulse response to a series RC circuit, time domain simulation with a triangular input signal, and modulation in detail. The text presents issues that occur in practical implementation of various electronic circuits and assist the readers in finding solutions to those issues using the software. Aimed at undergraduate, graduate students, and academic researchers in the areas including electrical and electronics and communications engineering, this book: Discusses simulation of analog circuits and their behavior for different parameters. Covers AC/DC circuit modeling using regular and parametric sweep methods. The theory will be augmented with practical electrical circuit examples that will help readers to better understand the topic. Discusses circuits like rectifiers, RC filters, transistor as an amplifier, and operational amplifiers in detail.
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