High Performance Self-Consolidating Cementitious Composites / by Ganesh Babu Kodeboyina.
By: Kodeboyina, Ganesh Babu [author.]
Contributor(s): Taylor and Francis
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. The concept -- 1.2. Historical development -- 1.3. The definitions -- 1.4. Formulations and classification of SCCs -- 1.5. Potential and limitations -- 1.6. Future prospects -- References -- 2. CONSTITUENT MATERIALS -- 2.1. Constituent materials and availability -- 2.2. Cements and characteristics -- 2.3. Simple powder extenders -- 2.4. Supplementary cementitious materials -- 2.5. Superplasticizers and other chemical admixtures -- 2.6. Aggregate characteristics -- 2.7. Interactions and compatibility -- References -- 3. INSIGHTS INTO STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS -- 3.1. Standardization principles -- 3.2. Fundamental characterization and classification -- 3.3. Methods of consistency measurement -- 3.4. Japanese recommendations -- 3.5. Euro-EFNARC guidelines -- 3.6. ACI recommendations -- 3.7. Other perceptions -- 3.8. Summary and suggestions -- References -- 4. METHODOLOGIES FOR THE PROPORTIONING OF SCC MIXTURES -- 4.1. Introduction -- 4.2. Design viewpoints -- 4.3. Semi-empirical methods -- 4.4. Compositions based on wetting water requirements of the constituents -- 4.5. Methods based on aggregate distribution and packing factors -- 4.6. Methods of limiting the cementitious materials through water content -- 4.7. Methods of incorporating the cementitious efficiency of pozzolans -- 4.8. Procedures for incorporating different pozzolans -- 4.9. Approaches for a specified compressive strength. -- 4.10. Methods based on rheometer tests -- 4.11. Methods based on the rheological paste model -- 4.12. Methods based on the rheological paste model incorporating fibrous materials -- 4.13. Guidelines based on statistical evaluations -- 4.14. Need for a relook and proposed methodology -- References -- 5. CONCEPTS AND CRITERIA FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. Fundamentals concepts of performance -- 5.3. Environmental parameters -- 5.4. Practical approach for high-performance design -- 5.5. Performance evaluation methodologies -- 5.6. Concept of pozzolanic efficiency and strength relations -- 5.7. Effects of pozzolanic addition on consistency and compaction -- 5.8. Packing and optimal granular skeleton -- 5.9. Proposed methodology and its effectiveness -- 5.10. Efficacy of the proposed methodology -- References -- 6. SCCs BASED ON POWDER EXTENDERS AND LOW-END POZZOLANS -- 6.1. Introduction -- 6.2. Concept of powder extenders -- 6.3. SCCs incorporating fly ash -- 6.4. SCCs incorporating Limestone powder -- 6.5. SCCs incorporating GGBS -- 6.6. SCCs through other inert powder extenders -- 6.7. Practical limitations on powder fillers -- References -- 7. SCCs BASED ON HIGH EFFICIENCY AND NANO POZZOLANS -- 7.1. Introduction -- 7.2. High strength and high performance concepts -- 7.3. SCCs incorporating silica fume and Nano silica -- 7.4. SCCs incorporating metakaolin -- 7.5. SCCs incorporating rice husk ash -- 7.6. Saturation concepts and effects -- 7.7. SCCs incorporating fibrous constituents -- References -- 8. FRESH CONCRETE CHARACTERISTICS OF SCC -- 8.1. Introduction -- 8.2. Fundamentals of consistency and compaction -- 8.3. Rheology and thixotropy of SCCs -- 8.4. Critical evaluation and comparison of the test methods -- 8.5. Effects of quality and quantity of cementitious materials -- 8.6. Wetting water requirements of powder materials -- 8.7. Effects of granular skeleton characteristics and fibrous materials -- 8.8. Segregation and bleeding -- 8.9. Shrinkage and heat of hydration -- 8.10. Transport, placement and finishing -- 8.11. Formwork and pressure on formwork -- 8.12. Setting times and removal of forms -- 8.13. Curing needs, precautions and best practices -- 8.14. Effect of accelerated curing, maturity concepts -- 8.15. Quality assurance and control -- References -- 9. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SCC -- 9.1. Introduction -- 9.2. Physical properties and microstructural effects -- 9.3. Compressive strength and strength gain rate -- 9.4. Near-surface characteristics -- 9.5. Tensile and shear strengths -- 9.6. Applicability of conventional concrete relations to SCC -- 9.7. Modulus of elasticity -- 9.8. Bond with reinforcement -- 9.9. Creep and relaxation -- 9.10. Prestressing and anchorages -- 9.11. Applicability of NDT -- References -- 10. PERFORMANCE AND SERVICE-LIFE OF SCC -- 10.1. Introduction -- 10.2. Durability of concrete -- 10.3. Strength and porosity -- 10.4. Transport characteristics -- 10.5. Environmental degradation -- 10.6. Chemical degradation -- 10.7. Alkali-aggregate reactivity -- 10.8. Thermal degradation -- 10.9. Corrosion characteristics -- 10.10. Service-life prediction or Residual life evaluation methods -- References -- 11. FRONTIERS AND RESEARCH NEEDS -- 11.1. Introduction -- 11.2. Applications and prospects -- 11.3. SCCs in repair and rehabilitation practice -- 11.4. Re-alkalization of concrete -- 11.5. Chloride binding and extraction -- 11.6. Tunnel lining and grouting applications -- 11.7. Underwater concrete applications and repair -- 11.8. Applications in marine environment -- 11.9. Ultrahigh strength grouts and composites -- 11.10. Reinforced fibrous composites -- 11.11. Research and developmental requirements -- 11.12. Concluding remarks -- References.
This book attempts to bring together some of the basic intricacies in the production of the complete range of self-consolidating cementitious composites, with a proper understanding of the contributions of different materials and their combinations, including performance and limitations. Presents a comprehensive perspective of the state of the art in self-compacting concretes while explaining the basic background and principles, includes possible alternatives of making SCC with different powder extenders and pozzolanic materials. Explores concepts through theoretical and graphical representations
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