Materials, Preparation, and Characterization in Thermoelectrics / edited by David Michael Rowe.
Contributor(s): Rowe, David Michael [editor.]
| Taylor and Francis
Material type: 

Includes bibliographical references and index.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS--Transverse Thermoelectric Effects and Their Application; H. J. Goldsmid--Thermoelectric Induction in Power Generation: Prospects and Proposals; L. I. Anatychuk--Thermoelectric Devices as Heat Engines: Alternative Thermodynamic Cycles; L. E. Bell--Functionally Graded Thermoelectric Generator and Cooler Elements; E. Muller, K. Zabrocki, C. Goupil, G. Jeffrey Snyder, and W. Seifert--Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations in Thermoelectric Materials: Applications to the Development of New Materials; Jean-Claude Tedenac--First Principles Calculations of Electron Transport Properties in Disordered Thermoelectrics; Janusz Tobola and Laurent Chaput--New Thermoelectric Materials with Precisely Determined Electronic Structure and Phonon Dispersion; Tsunehiro Takeuchi--8 Entropy Flow in Interactive Semiconductor/Metal Nanoensembles; Dieter M. Gruen--Ab Initio-Based Band Engineering and Rational Design of Thermoelectric Materials; Jiong Yang, Xun Shi, Wenqing Zhang, Lidong Chen, and Jihui Yang--Band Structure Guidelines for Higher Figure-of-Merit: Analytic Band Generation and Energy Filtering; Espen Flage-Larsen and Ole Martin Lovvik--Introduction to Modeling Thermoelectric Transport at High Temperatures; Andrew F. May and G. Jeffrey Snyder--The Effect of Resonant Energy Levels on the Thermoelectric Power and Thermoelectric Power Factor; Joseph P. Heremans--Graphene-Like Exfoliated Quasi-2D Thermoelectric Crystals; Alexander A. Balandin--14 The Bottom-Up Approach to Bulk Thermoelectric Materials with Nanoscale Domains; Anuja Datta, Adrian Popescu, Lilia Woods, and George S. Nolas--Surface and Interface Effects on Thermoelectric Behavior in Crystalline Nanowires; Frederic Sansoz--MATERIALS PREPARATION AND MEASUREMENT--High-Performance Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials Prepared by Melt Spinning and Spark Plasma Sintering; Xinfeng Tang, Wenjie Xie, Han Li, Baoli Du, Qingjie Zhang, Terry M. Tritt, and Ctirad Uher--Fabrication Routes for Nanostructured TE Material Architectures; Muhammet S. Toprak, Shanghua Li, and Mamoun Muhammed--Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Iron Disilicide; Yukihiro Isoda and Haruhiko Udono--The Deposition of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 Thermoelectric Thin Films by Thermal Coevaporation and Applications in Energy Harvesting; L. M. Goncalves--Thermoelectric Materials, Measurements, and Opportunities for Energy Harvesting; Patrick J. Taylor--Thermal and Thermoelectric Characterization of Individual Nanostructures and Thin Films; Li Shi--Microchips and Methods for the Characterization of Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Nanostructures; Friedemann VOlklein, Daniel Huzel, Heiko Reith, and Matthias Schmitt--Neutron Scattering Investigations of Thermoelectric Materials; Mogens Christensen.
This bookincludes updated theoretical considerations which provide an insight into avenues of research most likely to result in further improvements in material performance. It details the latest techniques for the preparation of thermoelectric materials employed in energy harvesting, together with advances in the thermoelectric characterisation of nanoscale material. The book reviews theuse of neutron beams to investigate phonons, whose behaviour govern the lattice thermal conductivity and includes a chapter on patents.
Also available in print format.
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